Hi there!
I´ve collected some stuff for my entry and here we go..
Since I got basically no idea about the game I started with watching some champion videos and browsed a bit around the web for my references. Then I decided to try my best for Katarina´s character.. So let´s see how it will end up
I started scribbling around - first traditional ...later in photoshop
Since the base for the character was set, I tried to figure out in which environment & lightsetup I wanna take her
I had some struggle for the daggers she´s gonna throw.. So I used Blender again since a loooooong time
more updates will hopefully follow soon
Cheers to everyone for this contest.. it´s really awesome what else is in progress here!!!
Especially the attacking style of this flying dagger is very rough If you guys have some ideas or advice I´m open for critics or comments..
cheers and GL to everyone!!!
And still.. any feedback is appreciated
so this seems to be my possible final
I´m not sure If I can find some time in the next days before the 19th of dec...
let´s see
I had some time to work a bit more on some overall details and here we go...
cheers and good luck to everyone!!
I did some final touches now..
What else to say... It was a lot of fun drawing and here are so many awesome artworks sent for this contest. I am really tired now and I wish Good luck to every participant !!!