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Retopology, need advice

polycounter lvl 10
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SuperFranky polycounter lvl 10
Hey guys, it's me with noob questions again. Sorry about that :poly128: But I'm in need of some advice on how to proceed with retopology of my asset.

This is what I have:


I'm interested in what would be a good way to retopo these repeated little objects. Should I make them each unique objects or retopo and unwrap one of them and duplicate around to save UV space or should I just make it all one continuous mesh?


  • WarrenM
    Should I make them each unique objects or retopo and unwrap one of them and duplicate around to save UV space or should I just make it all one continuous mesh?
    Unfortunately, the answer to all of those questions is "it depends". What are your goals? Conservation of UV space? Do you want a uniquely textured prop? Are you using tiling textures? Etc, etc.

    Basically, all of those methods are valid depending on what the end goal is...
  • Busterizer
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    Busterizer polycounter lvl 5
    Best approach to this problem from my experience is to take one of these objects retopo it make uv's you want for it and than duplicate them and put them in original positions (radial array will help you here). All duplicated objects will have uv's in same place, so you don't have to worry about them (maybe you will have to move them around for udk or something). This is probably you best way of doing things for all stuff that has identical geometry and repeats quite a lot.
  • SuperFranky
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    SuperFranky polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for the answers, guys. Unfortunately, I do not have experience yet to decide which method I want to use, so I'll be doing something that is easier for me to understand right now.
  • AdvisableRobin
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    AdvisableRobin polycounter lvl 10
    Hey Franky! I'd say just do whatever you are most comfortable with. Since this is personal/portfolio work you aren't bound by any technical requirements, so just do whatever will yield the best looking result.
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