Project Dogwaffle Howler for the price of an upgrade
Who: Project Dogwaffle Team
What: Howler 9.5
When: Black Friday - Cyber Monday
Discount: Full software for the price of an upgrade
Howler 9.5 combines natural media painting, video, fx, 2D animation, and 3D/scenery rendering, complete with cloud systems, in a single, simple to use interface.

Project Dogwaffle Digital Painter has provided tools for the VFX market for 15 years, and version 5 of the program is now available for free from our website at Just look under the download menu.
Version 8 is presently ½ off for the next few days, at $49. Version 7.2 with the Motion Prediction Module is only $20, and version 6 can be had for just $10.
Project Dogwaffle is superseded by Howler Digital Painter, presently at version 8. The toolset includes natural media painting, animation support such as onion skin, lip-sync, and frame sequencing, generation of slow motion from regular frames using motion anticipation, and visual effects tools such as rotoscoping, compositing, and application of filters via a timeline.
While version 5 is an older product, it still supports a number of these same features. Version 5 is best suited to Windows XP through Windows 7, and requires the 'disable desktop composition' compatibility flag for best performance, and administrative rights to install.
For more information on Project Dogwaffle and Howler, visit For tutorials and help, visit
For review copies and general inquiries.
Glad to see you're doing well enough that you're still around though, and if you like I'll let you know how I get on with it.