A while ago I worked on a scene based on this concept by Rowena Wang > http://dethling.deviantart.com/art/alchemist-room-399390483
But to my shame I have to admit I never finished it (like many of my projects ).
So I decided to finish it!
To finish this scene I decided to break it down into small parts, refine the meshes, update already existing textures and texture one asset after the other.
As I already have the table fully textured I use it's color scheme as basic. http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/115/3/1/render_by_dethling-d7g06sz.jpg
The first asset i take care of was the closet.
146 Verts
1024 Texture
Im still not happy with the top "blocks" and I think I should add some "top-to-bottom" gradient.
I also thinking of reusing texture and meshes of the closet (e.g. for the sideboard), but I'm not sure if the texture will get to repetitive in the scene then.
One criticism I'd have of your texture is that you've got a lot of wear on the sides of the table - but the doors and the table top haven't suffered the same damage when surely they'd see more use than the side. For the sake of consistency, I'd suggest you revisit
Next will be the small stone table in the middle of the room.
I'm just doodling with some design/material variations.
At the moment my favorite idea is a "all stone" variant with some extruded corners and runes on it.
Do you just select and drag them into another 3ds max window?
It looks good so far btw
Next will be the small stone table in the middle of the room.
I'm just doodling with some design/material variations.
At the moment my favorite idea is a "all stone" variant with some extruded corners and runes on it.
Here's the blockout:
Tried to get the texture for the table done, but I'm absolutely not happy with it:
Any Comments, critics or help is welcome.
Edit: I decided I will remove the big cuts from the top plate and give it a try.
Also I will redo the top plate
Here's a picture of the first three complete props: