My first post on this site, so I beg your forgivness for mistakes

So I found this Riot Game contest and even though I noticed how awesome the other participators are, I want to enter anyway

, because League of Legends is the best game ever.
So I made a lot of sketches for this, but you know, when you want something to be awesome, you put to much pressure on yourself and it ends up really bad, at least in my case.
I wanted at first to make a LoL character with the original skin, because they are so good. But it ended with me designing my own skin for one of my favourite characters, Shyvana.
She has a fire and ice skin, so why not an earth skin

When you click it, a prompt will show up asking for the URL of the image. After you paste your image URL, the code should be something like this:
Your design is looking good so far.
So I need to upload the file on another site to be able to get the URL?
I will upload it as attatchment files instead
So this is the finished design for Earth Shyvana, next up will be a quickly made version of her dragon form.
I'm posting the images again the right way
Working a bit more with details and enviroment. Put some treebranches in the foreground, because I want it so show that she is earth-like, but I don't know if I should keep them there. What do you think?
Please, give me some feedback of what works and what I should change