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"The Mansion" - a game developed in 72 hours.

Hello! (First of all, my alternate name is in some internet communities OverPowered, or OverPovered, so don't get confused who is the op).

I participated in a game jam in which all participants were given 72 hours tops to create a game from scratch. My team consisted of 6 people, including me, who surprisingly worked together very well and did not make the project break at the seams due to potential disagreements. I though that me and my team's game was exceptional enough to showcase it here. Don't take my word the wrong way, this is not the greatest short game, but it is not repulsive, and I understand everyone has different, and justified opinions.

I did all models, as well as textures. I also got to do minimal animation with the bunny (I was terrified, I have barely experimented with model animation).
Do take consideration the art style. I used a pen tablet to draw out contour lines with a sort of nervous fury, to get that scratchy style. This gave the visuals a unique style, but it was also incredibly efficient. I was able to cook up textures in five to ten minutes.

Enough of babbling with boring words. Let's show some videos and pictures...and a playable game!

Link to download (Windows, Unity desktop): http://gamejolt.com/games/the-mansion/download-distribution/43421/?os=windows











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