Hello guys,
Do you have any idea why my Ddo rendering is looking like that ? My mesh is super clean [xformed, no face flip, no spike, no manyfolded face, etc ...]
This bug happen only with a custom mesh ... With the plane it's looking fine ...
Thanks in advance.

The SUITE runs fine, but my meshes are broken in 3DO. What's up?
This is likely because the mesh has not been triangulated: 3DO does not currently support non triangulated meshes.
Solution: Triangulate the mesh before export and you will be good to go.
loading meshes after project creation seems to wipe all uv coordinates so the only way to get it to work (for me at least) was to set the mesh at the project creation screen
So sorry for the lack of replys lately!
Chris you are very very kind to take the time to help out big thanks!
And yes, Megascans is eating up a lot of time a the moment but that is no excuse, we will do better!