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Zbrush 4R7



  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    What's the deal with the new 'Dynamic Perspective' ? Didn't see any documentation on it, but did they fix the perspective camera now?


    EDIT: The new Zremesher is awesome!
  • The_Distiller
    Having a real blast with 4R7 so far! Only real pity is that the Zbrush Keyshot version doesn't come with the ability to render turntables. For the price I don't expect the full animation version capability, but turntables would have been nice.
  • loci
    Anyone using 64bit version with 32gb ram? What is your maxpolypermesh?
  • Aabel
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    Aabel polycounter lvl 6
    loci wrote: »
    Anyone using 64bit version with 32gb ram? What is your maxpolypermesh?

    I haven't done any tests to see the limits of 32 gb in 64bit zbrush yet, but it's handled some of my models from 3d-coat that are over 60 million polygons in a single sub tool with no issues at all.

    I was extremely skeptical of the Zmodeler stuff but it's actually really damn good. Zremesher is also vastly improved. This is as usual a very good update from Pixologic.
  • poLLos
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    poLLos polycounter lvl 3
    loci wrote: »
    Anyone using 64bit version with 32gb ram? What is your maxpolypermesh?

    Mine is at the max of 80.

    edit: I am also wanting to know what the dynamic perspective is about. Would be awesome to hear they fixed the fake perspective from previous versions.
  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    Torch wrote: »
    What's the deal with the new 'Dynamic Perspective' ? Didn't see any documentation on it, but did they fix the perspective camera now?


    EDIT: The new Zremesher is awesome!

    Same here. What the hell is this dynamic stuff. You can see difference when you mess around with it but I would like to know what does it do.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    There's also a 'Dynamic' swatch on the Solo button?

    Like "Zbrush will now hide all unselected subtools......or will it?" *Troll face*

    EDIT: Ok so this might sound a bit confusing: When the Dynamic on the Solo button is enabled but the solo button itself is disabled, it will make the other unselected subtools disappear while navigating the viewport, (they reappear when finished navigating.) So at least that is put to rest!
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    There's also a 'Dynamic' swatch on the Solo button?
    For 18 months, yes :P
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Ah ok, just dynamic perspective then :D
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I've been using it for 2 days and I'm loving ZModeler, for those times when you want to tweak an edge loop or do some other poly modeling edit without leaving zbrush.
  • mazz423
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    mazz423 polycounter lvl 9
    poLLos wrote: »
    Mine is at the max of 80.

    edit: I am also wanting to know what the dynamic perspective is about. Would be awesome to hear they fixed the fake perspective from previous versions.

    As far as I can tell the 'dynamic' perspective is the default, disabling it basically prevents the change in perspective that you used to get based on mesh scale or when loading in other subtools.

    I don't think they'll ever be able to truly fix the perspective issues with version 4 as it's not exactly a genuine 3D space you're modelling in.
  • Punio
    I've just got Zbrush r7 and I am loving Zmodeler. I'm still more precise in Maya, but I haven't got around all the tools. Snapping vertices would be nice, unless I've missed the tool.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Yup, it seems good for base mesh creation as well, if you have too many edgeloops on a mesh in a certain area after Zremeshing and want to drop a few loops, really handy! Also had a lot less crashes than in R6, seems solid. Mike P did a quick primer on Zmodeler:

  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    seems zbrush is turning in to an all round app for modelling, which is a good in a way but I wish they woukd fix the goddamn perspective and make the shaders a bit more max like
    My only beef with zbrush is the readability of the shaders.
    By that I meaan its hard to figure out the volumes of the base levels compared to say max and maya. as soon as I import anything form zbrush in to max I can see the faults straight away, zbrush tends to mask them with that almost self illuminated look
  • CreativeHD
  • DireWolf
    ZRemesher is pretty good, it would normally give our modeler 70% of usable topology and only a few smaller area where they need to fix manually. Unfortunately those area are usually the area you said you struggle with, especially the ear.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    alt click and ctrl click on my wacom in 4r7 64 bit doesnt work, what is going on? it brings up some stupid menus instead. 32bit still works same as ever.

    zmodeller is much better than I expected, one thing is confusing me though - how do you move on different axis? eg I want to select 4 edges and move them on the y axis or the x axis not the z axis as is default behavoir? there are little red handles on the mesh faces but they do nothing as far as I can tell.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    I am actually having problems with zremesher. the zcurve guides are not having much effect. anyone else had this?
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    R7 is still crashy like hell (64 bit version) and a huge extra time eater in regards of texture creation.
    And to be honest I don't see any advantages of low poly modeling there over any other 3d tool.
    They just wanted to invent bicycle again within their usual "alien" approach
  • Super
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    Super polycounter lvl 18
    Ruz wrote: »
    I am actually having problems with zremesher. the zcurve guides are not having much effect. anyone else had this?

    Yeah, I noticed this. Even turning up the settings had little to no effect.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    Ruz wrote: »
    I am actually having problems with zremesher. the zcurve guides are not having much effect. anyone else had this?

    I tested it out on a head sculpt upon release and had better results on the same sculpt from R6. I have not tested it on anything else however, so this is only one instance.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    So Super that means its more or less useless at the moment:/
    Firebert I guess I can't activate both versions at the same time and in any case they are not backwards compatible
  • Optinium
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    Optinium polycounter
    Worked for me the other day Ruz, pretty much conformed to curves and even created polygoups between them for me, all in all created a decent mesh for me to sculpt on.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    It must be a bug of some kind , only messing up on certain kind of meshes. will mess around a bit more
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Have you tried turning the curves strength slider up?
    gnoop wrote: »
    R7 is still crashy like hell (64 bit version) and a huge extra time eater in regards of texture creation.

    What makes earlier versions better than R7 at texture creation? I've had it crash a few times when I went undo crazy but it's been fairly stable and good at saving recovery files. Zbrush being able to use a lot more of my RAM has made working with it a dream.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    Justin - i have tried lots of different settings and TBH previously the defaults worked fine(ish) with curves.
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    I meant they didn't add anything in r7 for most important part - texture creation.

    Imo Zbrush is still a cool creative toy instead of being reliable and steady time saving and money making machine.

    That recovery option does make it hardly usable when it have to save gigs of data all the time.
    I agree that 64 bit version made the work a lot easier but it crashes on my pc randomly every hour
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    It's a widely used industry standard tool, I wouldn't call it a toy.

    btw, all that crashing doesn't sound normal, have you contacted support?
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    Well, in movies/animation perhaps., I don't know. In every game company I worked for evryone had been using Mudbox or even Blender(recent years) except me and sometimes one more Zbrush guy.

    From my experience on couple last computers it rather normal for zbrush to have such behavior. Sometimes it just doesn't like certain pc. Only help from their support in such cases is an advice to reinstall it and don't put your own tools/materials into the program folder.

    ps. I prefer Zbrush personally. Don't like Mudbox actually but I do understand why people love it. Maybe it's not so cool for doing nice renders but does save your time and efforts in a usual money making pipeline where quantity and time are sometimes more important than quality
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    gnoop wrote: »
    Well, in movies/animation perhaps., I don't know. In every game company I worked for evryone had been using Mudbox or even Blender(recent years) except me and sometimes one more Zbrush guy.

    Really? I've not heard this.
    Most I know use zBrush, including the one I work at.
  • Shiv
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    Shiv polycounter lvl 15
    "looks at pretty much every character being created in the forums"
    Yep, crazy toy.
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    X&Z-Symmetry on and then Zremesher = Crash every single time.
    Otherwise, it's pretty solid so far.
  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    I have to limit the polycount to what your ram can handle in mem setting....
    the default 60 million was too much for my 16 gig ram. i reduced it to 10 , and no more sudden lag or freeze ....
  • Pancakes
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    Pancakes polycounter lvl 14
    Zbrush, the vanguard of computer sculpting technology for the entire world is a toy? And the internet is a series of fancy tubes
  • neilberard
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    neilberard polycounter lvl 18
    I've worked at 3 game companies in the PNW so far and all have used Zbrush to some extent. It looks like Zbrush is becoming a major part of game development across the board even in the casual market from what I've seen. Pretty damn amazing toy IMO.
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    I worked only for 4 companies too so can't really call it tendency or something. Perhaps it's like Maya which I studied 15 years ago because everyone told it's getting the industry standard and then it had always been only 3d max so I almost forget Maya already.

    Toy or not but Zbrush while adding new bells and whistles does force you to jump through hoops to do basic stuff like specular or normal textures for example.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    sorry to ask again but alt click and ctrl click on my wacom in 4r7 64 bit doesnt work at all, anyone else experiencing this?

    Still trying to figure out how to you move on a different axis in zmodeller? eg I want to select 4 edges and move them on the y axis
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    There seems to be a big issue with zremesher in R7
    I did 2 retopos with R6 and R7. The R6 is on default settings with a couple of curves an the same settings on R7 produce pretty horrible results


    R6 version is on the right

    The only way to make it vaguely work is to bump up the curve setting from 98-100 and then you get weird polygroups and holes appearing

    litle update in this

    set the curve strength to 100 adaptiveness to 65
    and got this

    obviously the curve placement needs a bit of work, but tbh I still get nicer results in R6 wihtiut as much faffing around
  • Zephusees
    How stable is Zbrush R7 for everyone? - I have no problems so far.
    As for the Wacom problem, open the wacom control panel with Zbrush open and add Zbrush as a specific application then program the pen button functions for Zbrush manually.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Zephusees wrote: »
    How stable is Zbrush R7 for everyone? - I have no problems so far.
    As for the Wacom problem, open the wacom control panel with Zbrush open and add Zbrush as a specific application then program the pen button functions for Zbrush manually.

    oh good idea, so I can set 64bit to use one set of buttons and leave 32bit on default
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Zephusees wrote: »
    How stable is Zbrush R7 for everyone?
    Zephusees wrote: »
    I have no problems so far.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    Yamanote - cheers, just an old head I was mucking about with, but not sure why they changed it - seems like it is a bit borked or maybe it just supposed to work that way?
    I am not gonna waste too much time on it though - overall the update is great ,very stable
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Ruz, if I remember correctly the changes made to Zremesher were related to spiraling loops, which are supposed to happen less often now. (I can't tell though, as I have not updated yet.) But maybe they actually broke the more advanced features of the tool while attempting to make it smarter for the one-button cases.

    Have you tried using mask guides as opposed to curves ? Who knows, maybe they work differently ...

    Also and besides Sketchup-like box modeling, do the new polygon editing features allow for regular editing ? Like, deleting faces, merging verts, bridging edges, and so on ? If yes, that could be useful for retopo work as one could work on separate parts of the face (mouth, ears, nose)to then stitch them later ...
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    pior wrote: »
    Also and besides Sketchup-like box modeling, do the new polygon editing features allow for regular editing ? Like, deleting faces, merging verts, bridging edges, and so on ? If yes, that could be useful for retopo work as one could work on separate parts of the face (mouth, ears, nose)to then stitch them later ...

    Yup! I can see how the videos showing them starting from a box and doing some poly modeling can look like not such a big deal but zModeler work on everything.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Yup! I can see how the videos showing them starting from a box and doing some poly modeling can look like not such a big deal but zModeler work on everything.

    It is powerful but doesnt seem to work on meshes with multible subdivision levels for me, so you cant turbosmooth a mesh or edit an already sculpted mesh?
  • Jean-Pascal
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    Jean-Pascal polycounter lvl 5
    @Ged: well, you could either use the new dynamic subdivision feature instead, or delete the other subdivision levels.
  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    Ruz wrote: »
    There seems to be a big issue with zremesher in R7
    I did 2 retopos with R6 and R7. The R6 is on default settings with a couple of curves an the same settings on R7 produce pretty horrible results...

    Are you using the 64-bit version? I know things like auto unwrap algorithms (in other software) give different results whether you're on 64-bit or 32-bit versions. Maybe this could be a similar issue.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    pior I have a feeling that maybe its is supposed to work this way, but maybe it is not a finished version and gives mixed results

    haven't tried mask guides yet, not sure how that works, is that the same as polypainting denser areas
    Have n't really tried any of the new features yet, aside from the retopo

    monster - maybe thats the case. I am running the 64 bit version
  • marrakech
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    marrakech polycounter lvl 5
    i also noticed some bad edghflow with new zremesher on default settings
    found out to only keep big details in sculpt other details that dont define edghflow giwe bad results in my case.so i use polish under tool menu/deformations to smooth out details.
    i think u can force edghloops easyer by sculpting them in the model make deep valey and u automaticly get a edghloop there.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    marrakech - but its not actually giving you nice loops, fro example around the cheekbone and the mouth -It may be ok to sculpt on though

    The only way the curves have any effect at all is if you increase the slider to 99-100

    nice head BTW
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