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Sketchbook: Chadrach

polycounter lvl 6
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chadrach polycounter lvl 6
EDIT: Images Removed. Updated images below…


  • chadrach
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    chadrach polycounter lvl 6
    EDIT: Previous images removed.
  • chadrach
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    chadrach polycounter lvl 6
    Below is a painting that I did for practice. I wanted to try some custom brushes and see if I could get a more painterly appearance. It's still really rough, but I do like the brushes that I used. Maybe I'll tool around with them more.

  • chadrach
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    chadrach polycounter lvl 6
    I hadn't scribbled anything out today, so I wanted to do a value study figure painting. I didn't spend too long on it (but probably longer than I should have), as I really wanted to just focus on getting tones down.

  • chadrach
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    chadrach polycounter lvl 6
    I've decided to challenge myself to do two things every day: Do some gestural figure drawings, and to do a landscape color study each day (as per the recommendation of Mr. Nathan Fowkes). The landscape color study is too tight. My goal is to loosen up and really just focus in on color and light and composition. As for the gestural studies, these were 2 minutes each. I think I want to get down to just 1 minute and really target on capturing the motion and dramatic elements of the figures.

  • chadrach
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    chadrach polycounter lvl 6
    Continuing with my daily landscape paintings. This is technically my third day, but my sketches yesterday were reeeeaaalllly rough. Today has been better. I really want to push the drama with the lighting.

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