First of all, I like the colors and the background. Here's what you can work on:
- I can see his fist (it's a really nice fist), but I have no idea where his head or body is
- You have some faint pink construction lines in various places. The one that sticks out the most is the lines around some of his bandages on his .. leg?
Biggest problem is that it's just hard to read. Fix that and it'll be easier to crit the rest lol. Good job :P
First of all, I like the colors and the background. Here's what you can work on:
- I can see his fist (it's a really nice fist), but I have no idea where his head or body is
- You have some faint pink construction lines in various places. The one that sticks out the most is the lines around some of his bandages on his .. leg?
Biggest problem is that it's just hard to read. Fix that and it'll be easier to crit the rest lol. Good job :P