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AWAITING CONFIRMATION: Suite Broken since 1.8

polycounter lvl 2
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Gordon Robb polycounter lvl 2
Come on guys. What am I supposed to do. I want to use your programmbe but it is simply broken since 1.8. Once I installed the update, it just kept on asking me to update to 1.8 again. I tried rolling back, and then when I started suite. It didn't work. No error.

Please tell me what to do. I have paid for your product. Now please give me a working product.


  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    I had problems getting it to run until I ran it as an administrator. sounds like you might have a different issue though.
  • Gordon Robb
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    Gordon Robb polycounter lvl 2
    No, I tried all that. Finally got it to work by completely removing it and downloading the full installer. Seems to be ok now. No thanks to Quixel though I have to say
  • Logan5
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    Logan5 polycounter lvl 9
    Hey Gordon I had / have the same issue. Installed to my SSD and nothing worked, then I tried installing to an external drive and bingo everything seems to wrok fine. Not exactly ideal but still if you have some sort of external drive might be worth giving it a shot. May even help the Quixel guys get this sorted!!
  • Gordon Robb
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    Gordon Robb polycounter lvl 2
    I didn't have it installed on my SSD. Problem was almost definitely caused by the update. Full install has worked fine.
  • sun_smasher
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    sun_smasher polycounter lvl 9
    I have a problem trying to launch DDO since 1.8. If no one has a solution I'll probably have to end up doing a complete reinstall.
  • mindblowz
    I have the same issue, since 1.8 update i cant launch ddo.
  • Eric Ramberg
    Hi guys so sorry for late reply here!

    Would love to get some more info from those having problems, PS versions and some general specs on your machines, are you running english PS, any virusprograms that might be blocking etc,

    If you want the issue fixed right away I would recommend a clean install, sorry about this!
  • Tabris
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    Tabris polycounter lvl 2
    Same here... After the 1.8 Update Quixel doesn't work anymore and keep asking me to install the 1.8 update again.. Can't launch the App.
  • CKohl
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    CKohl polycounter lvl 10
    This sounds like my experience. 1.8 broke my install and I had to do a full un/re-install. Now everything works again but I'm not certain if I'm on 1.7 or 1.8

  • Eric Ramberg
    cKohl - We´re investigating a bug right no relating to the version number!

    Tabris - Could you provide some more information? sorry for your troubles!
  • Tabris
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    Tabris polycounter lvl 2
    Win7 64 bits, Photoshop CC 64

    Was under quixel 1.6, I made an upgrade to 1.8. The App worked just this time.When I restarded Quixel he keeps asking me to install 1.8 and tell me that I'm still on the 1.6 version..
    I can't use the App, it's frozen.
    If I want to make quixel work I have to re download the 1.8 each time..

    I finally have uninstalled it and fully reinstalled quixel to make it work again.
  • Scizz
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    Scizz polycounter lvl 11
    I also had to do the same. 1.8 messed the suite all up. But after I reinstalled,, I lost all the composite materials in the material browser. :(
  • sun_smasher
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    sun_smasher polycounter lvl 9
    Heeey Eric, my friend, hopefully you have a fix for me. I get errors whenever I try to run the DDO aspect of the suite. They don't seem to happen when I click on Ndo but it also doesn't see to function as a program either.


    In that shot I also showed my path so you can see I have no numerical numbers in this. I also have this installed locally. I've tried a re-install as well.

    Might have to go back to just using the individual packages for now since the suite seems so horribly broken.
  • zacvrono
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    zacvrono polycounter lvl 4
    Mine asks me to instal 1.8 agian every single time i launch and crashes whenever I load a color ID map into DDO. This is driving me nuts. I kinda needed this for my assets class. I'm on the surface pro 3, i5 256GB edition. it has been working fine until 1.8
  • Eric Ramberg
    Tabris and scizz - Really really sorry about this one, we think the problem was that some of the old versions where cached on the website and caused this. Does everything work ok after reinstall?

    Scizz very sorry to hear about your materials :(

    Hi Sun_Smasher - Has the suite worked before, or has this happend in earlier versions?
    A few things that might be the cause

    -Non English version of PS
    -Anti virus blocking the suite
    -Not enough memory on PS scratch disks

    Do you think any of those might be the cause?

    zacvrono - hi! Regarding the color ID, does it have transperency in it? that could be the cause of the crash. about the 1.8 update, I know its a lot to ask but have you tried a clean install to 1.8 version directly?
  • Scizz
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    Scizz polycounter lvl 11
    Everything seems stable after I re-installed. Is there any way to get the composite materials back. These aren't materials I made. They came with the suite.
  • Eric Ramberg
    Scizz - Do you remember roughly how many and which materials you lost? We have acutally removed a few materials between different versions, but mostly they have been renamed!
  • AeroAstroArtsLtd
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    AeroAstroArtsLtd polycounter lvl 15
    I am running Adobe PhotoShop CC 2014 as of the latest update with Quixel SUITE 1.8, on Windows 8.1. The application simply stops working (with an error message stating exactly that). I can launch my stand alone licenses of dDo and NDo. 2 but not Quixel SUITE.

    Thanks for your support in advance.
  • Eric Ramberg
    AeroAstroArtsLtd - Hi! Two things come to mind, try running the suite and PS as Admin, also, do you have any anti-virus that could prevent the suite from doing its thing?
  • sun_smasher
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    sun_smasher polycounter lvl 9
    Eric - It's an English PS version, there should be plenty of memory as happens at start, I can't find anything that would be blocking ddo, and previous non suite versions of DDO worked just fine for me.
  • Oldbutspicy
    I am new to Quixel..
    so I read TroubleS and all stuff I have found.
    Working on a PC / W7 64 bit and PS6 engl V
    I install Suite on a external Drive... (not on SSD)

    All works fine .. .no crashes!
    only when I try to import an OBJ File with more than one surface.. .then SUITE crashed!

    so again... 1.8 works fine... ((for me :) ))
    but I can not register ndo! (hope Kristofer and Teddy work on that prob)

    nice piece of software .. .thx
  • CKohl
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    CKohl polycounter lvl 10
    Tabris and scizz - Really really sorry about this one, we think the problem was that some of the old versions where cached on the website and caused this.

    Yeah this seems to have fudged a bunch of installs. I expect that a complete uninstall and reinstall (not a repair install) should be able to fix most issues.
  • mindblowz
    previous version worked for me as well its the 1.8 that is causing the issue. I cant believe quixel still didnt launch an fix for this issue.
  • Scizz
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    Scizz polycounter lvl 11
    3dfafde924.jpg This is what I used to have before the re-install. Notice the composite tab and also all the materials that aren't present in
    f75b824357.jpg this image that is after the re install.
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    Broken for me too. Rolling back doesn't help. The issue is that the mask editor is completely broken. Main problem is that it can't detect cavities. :(

    Anyone got a fix?
  • oxygencube
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    oxygencube polycounter lvl 8
    I started a separate thread but figured I would post it here as well...

    I had been using the trial/beta for a few months and over the Black Friday sale I bought the suite. I got home from vacation, installed and updated the suite and now it crashes. I do run PS, software, OS on a SSD and would prefer to be able to run this on there as well.

    Here is what happens:

    I launch the suite and the toolbar comes up no problem. I try to launch DDO, the button depresses but it won't launch, nothing. If I try to launch NDO that tool launches but immediately, I get this crash:


    Things I have tried to fix it:

    *Uninstall, Restart, Reinstall,
    *Uninstall, Restart, Install on HDD
    *Uninstall, Restart, Roll back to 1.7
    *Run in compatibility mode
    *Run as administrator

    My specs:

    i7 4790k
    GTX 970
    Windows 8.1 64bit
    Adobe PS CS4 / Extended
    16gb ddr3 ram

    I am not sure what else to do.

    I love this software in beta/trial but it looks like this version is super buggy.

    Would love some help here...

  • Eric Ramberg
    RoosterMAP - Could you describe your problems a bit more in detail?

    oxygencube - Have you had any of these problems before updating to 1.8 (?) A few things to try:

    Make sure your PS is an english version (not just language but on install)

    Make sure there are no non alphanumerical characters in the install path of the suite

    Disable any antivirus that might be blocking the suite

    Run PS in admin mode as well

    Let me know if any of these does the trick!
  • sun_smasher
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    sun_smasher polycounter lvl 9
    Has anyone who was running 1.8 found that updating to 1.9 solves any issues? Mine is the most frustrating since I can't even get into the program...
  • tungerz
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    tungerz polygon
    oxygencube - Have you had any of these problems before updating to 1.9
    1.9 is where?
    I launched the updater and it only shows 1.8...

  • Eric Ramberg
    Sorry I meant 1.8, My brain is not switched on today!
  • oxygencube
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    oxygencube polycounter lvl 8
    "Make sure there are no non alphanumerical characters in the install path of the suite"
    "Run PS in admin mode as well"

    One of those two worked for me. Thx!
  • Eric Ramberg
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