Hey guys, this is a problem that I've always had in 3ds max and never bothered to find an easy way, but today I have a huge road model:

I need to UV the road-side rails, and these need to be "following" the flow like this:

Now, my normal process is just selecting groups of faces, do a planar projection or a peel, then I apply Straighten Selection, then manually adjust the edges to "relax" (because Straighten Selection doesn't relax, or average the model).
I use this method for cylinders, wires, pipes, tubes and rails (for example, stair rails) but it's too time consuming, and I tried searching for a script but the closest I've found was Straighten UV Strip and it just doesn't work.
Do you have a faster method for this specific situation?
I'm using 3ds Max 2015. Thanks!
Or, in the Sweep modifier, enable Real World Map Size. Check the Help file for more info about what this is.
maybe you should just do planar projection on each of these faces, not collectively then sew theme and do some manual adjustment
Unitize > Select edge ring > Sew together > Unfold along U or V only (or just scale in one direction)
Would you happen to have a link on how to use it? I've never understood how to use it and anything I've seen describing it wasn't helpful at all.