Does anyone know how to get the Quixel plugin to do as it describes: "This plugin will automatically imports your textures and mesh,
setups up a material, and brings the asset into your current scene when you connect to UE4 via DDO's cross-app mode.
I've tried the cross-app mode but haven't been able to get it to do what I'm after.
I have same problem here, tried it yesterday. So i'm really curious how this works
One more small thing i did notice. Could you add info to which version of UE4 you plugin is compiled? Now it is 4.5.1, but i had to figure out, why is it not working on my 4.5.0 ^^
I'm pretty convinced it doesn't even work yet, I'm very interested in this feature and really hope they get around to doing a tutorial soon enough.
Sorry to say I myself am not familiar with the plugin yet. But we are putting together a guide for tihs, I will alst try to get someone in here with better knowledge than me to answer your questions!
Sounds good and thanks for your time.
First of the plugin requires unreal 4.5.1 or later, Teddy also says that there are two checkboxes in the cross app window dropdown, both need to be checked for this to work!
Sorry for the third hand helping here, wish I was better at Unreal to help you guys!
Let me know if this solves anything or if i just made it worse!
Thanks for the reply, I'll give this a go in a second
Yes I am indeed running 4.5.1
The two checkboxes were indeed checked already
Yes as the red circle shows the two checkboxes inside the cross app window dropdown (can't screen shot it)
So when I link the apps... nothing really happens, I always have to manually import the assets and create my own texture unless there's something else I'm meant to do.
Also do you have any idea on when a tutorial is going to come out for the plugin?
You DO have to create your own material in UE4 - it won't do it for you (or so it currently seems) but it WILL update the textures on the fly and you don't even have to re-export. In fact I would recommend NOT re-exporting because it will create an entirely new project folder for the new export files.
Caveat for anyone trying to figure this out like I am: I am not a DDO expert (yet) and it seems DDO is really unstable even WITH the recent update to make it more stable. Soooo - my observations here are not fact rather they are just what I've experienced.