Hi guys, it has almost been 3 months since I last reached out for portfolio critiques/feedback. I’ve been eagerly working on taking into account the previous feedback and adjusting my portfolio accordingly.
I always enjoy this part since it really helps me see things that I tend to overlook or simply miss.
The one piece that I haven’t yet been able to resolve according to the feedback previously given is the Goblin. He’s way in the bottom now (He used to be at the top, almost everything here has been done within the last year), so eventually I’d like to bump him out of my portfolio.
I don’t like to devalue my work, but an area of focus of mine is making sure nothing looks “student quality”. Also, I’ve realized that my resume was pretty bad compared to some of the fancier ones I’ve seen. So I’ve attempted to give it a bit more of my time.
Thanks again, any input or comments is definitely appreciated!
Here is a link to my
portfolio: http://leinadirabka.blogspot.com/