Hello Everyone,
I've just finished my charcter manually rigging (my first time)
then the next process is Skinning, before that I recorded
some keyframe animation for simple deformation test
with my character skin applied.
BUT, (this is my first time with animation) first deformation
test area is from foot to ankle, then the second deformation
is from ankle to knee, I recorded some keyframe and realized :
My first deformation keyframe cling to the end of knee deformation
keyframe, the result is there is no interval between :
ankle deformation to knee deformation
when ankle deformation start is cling and taken along to
knee deformation.... (I wish my explanation clear enough)

hmm... what I want is :
1. ankle deformation animate first and stop
(I also coppied the end of ankle end keyframe on front of it,
but still there is no interval between them)
2. then the knee deformation elevate the knee. (end)
that's all I want simple deformation test for skinning to discover
which part I should establish the weight......
Thank You
I'm waiting for your proper reply ;-)