We are looking for one freelancer artist to create realistic vegetation for our game in next-gen quality. Target platform is PC.
The artist will have to make various trees, bushes, flowers, etc...
Required skills:
-Experience in game development
-Experience in making realistic vegetation for games
-High level experience in highpoly->Zbrush->lowpoly->RTT workflow
-Experience with PBR
If you are interested, or you would like to get more info, please send a private message to me. Please include a link to your portfolio in your message.
check out our website : http://www.coolboysph.com/
contact us
email : irvincommissions@yahoo.com
skype : irvin ryan tiu
we are enthusiastic and ready for action!
2. What type of game is this? FPS?
3. What engine is being used?
Check our portfolio:
Experience in making vegetation is more preferred than enthusiasm, sorry.
I can make vegetation, including grass and trees. The rabbit image is actually made using game ready assets (cards, low poly trees, normal maps, etc). The rocks were sculpted in Zbrush and retopologized/baked using Zremesher.
I can be contacted at John.Draisey@gmail.com
Thanks for your time.
John Draisey
Will want to do business with again.
The vegetation project will continue after the holidays, so I'll write back after 5th of january.
- Again, please send the applications in PM because I rarely visit this thread.