I've got an issue with my rig and I don't really know what to look for on google so I'm hoping someone here knows more about this.
When I'm animating an arm and want to get the hand close to the face, the Joint Rotation Gizmo tends to overlap the X and Z axis on eachother and makes it hard for me to move it without unwanted (back and forth) movement.
The Rotate Z Axis doesn't stay where it needs to stay and moves closer to the X.
Here are two screenshots that illustrate my current problem:
http://prntscr.com/59m8rz X and Z are on good spots.
http://prntscr.com/59m82t X and Z are almost on each other.
I've been having this problem more often than not and it's a real pain in the butt when I'm trying to animate.
Does anyone know if there's a solution to this, or am I forced to just frame by frame this kind of animation.
i remember you can - to a degree - avoid it with changing your rotation order. anyway should give you a start to google more!