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Wiki haaaaalp!

I would really love some help with our wiki. Anyone have a little time here and there to spare?

We moved last summer to a new wiki software, which really speeds things up a ton (the old one was hella slow!), but unfortunately that broke most of the images and links too.

I just fixed this absolutely awesome tutorial from almighty_gir...
... and I was thinking how much more there is on the wiki, that just needs a little luvin'.

Here's an example of a broken page:

And here's what it looked like on the old wiki:

To find broken stuff, just start at the main page and start diving into what you're interested in, until you find empty pages or links that are red.

Or type in a search term for something you're interested in, and see if it goes anywhere.

I'm only one guy, and I'm way behind. Besides, I'm working long hours these days as a freelancer trying to make ends meet, plus on top of that I'm trying to keep my portfolio updated with new work. So who has time, right?

But I think a community resource like this has a lot of value, so it's worth investing time in, now and then.

Oh also, I thought it would be great if people could post links to threads on the forum with good tutorials or breakdowns they've seen recently.

We could upload these to the wiki to keep track of all the cool learning materials people are making and sharing here.

Like this one by Faf, which I missed the first time around, only saw it recently in someone's Pinterest.


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