Hi. I'm doing the Pale Man's room from Pan's Labyrinth for my uni project and I think it reached a point where I don't feel embarrassed posting it here. I'm kinda following the the design from the movie but I added some of my own changes like the pillar design.
This is what I have so far. I used Maya and Zbrush for modeling, Substance Designer and Photoshop for texturing.
Most of the lighting is just temporary and the fireplace is just a placeholder hole for the proper bit. And some texture/BTS shots. I added most of the micro detail and noise in substance, didn't want to do it Zbrush. I'm still learning both PBR and actual texturing as I am doing it, so I might redo some of the assets as I learn new techniques.
I'm just stuck with one thing. Why do i get the black ugly AO thingy where two meshes touch? Like the black lines on the cornerstones? I did separate lightmaps and even upped the resolution to 128/256 and the artifacts are still there. Is there something with the lighting that I should change?
Crits and comments are more then welcome. I'd love to know how and where to improve and focus more.

But tbh I love this clay looking color and same of its shapes & theese good textures !
Sometimes good things can came out from random errors , this may be the case here.. ?
However im looking forward to the end of this project for sure :thumbup::cool:
Some wires of my assets.