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Working on a high-res head

A few weeks ago I watched this video and got inspired to try out a person in Zbrush. If you havn't seen it you really should give it a look. It's quite impressive.

So I got some reference photos, and have been playing around with this sculpt for a while now and kinda hit a wall. I was wondering if I could get some feed back on look/realism of my sculpt. I think he's looking a little dead inside, and i think the eyes might be to blame.








  • Jord-Tron 5000
    I think it's most definitely the eyes, and probably the rendering on the skin. A more realistic skin material would make it pop, and the same goes for the eyes. Anything flat (especially in the eyes) will trigger that uncanny valley response and that's probably why it's looking a little soulless to ya.

    The hair looks like it could use some work, particularly when it attaches to the scalp -- looking a little too blobular right now. Consider giving him eyebrows and stubble, like your reference. Maybe provide a simple grayscale version of the sculpt, something higher res so we can take a closer look?
  • BagelHero
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    BagelHero interpolator
    Can we get a side profile and non-colored renders? Something like a grey matcap or basic shader so we can see your sculpting. Will be able to comment more then.
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