Just going to do some geo switcheroo. Drop the original panel below the floor via it's joint, and then pop in the physics sym panel to complete the effect.
Hey all,
I'm in the midst of a pretty last minute/hail Mary art test and and in dire need of help. I write this as I am parenting my model... I'm burning the midnight oil to say the least!
Working in Maya (relatively new to it having come from Max), exporting to Unreal 4. The robot is a simple model with the bones parented to the geo.
I am doing a quick vignette of a robot that is 'breaking down'. I want to keyframe animate the robots motions and will add VFX (sparks, smoke, etc) in Unreal 4. In addition to animating the robot I ALSO want to have an access panel fly off and hit the ground. I would like to do the panel with physics.
My question is: How do I combine the keyframe animation with the physics sim? I'm not worried about efficiency. I would assume I still need to parent those panels to the rig, but I'm at a loss from here on in. Will I need to somehow, unparent prior to the panel flying off?
My apologies if this has been covered. I'm literally doing two things at once in trying to get this test out the door by Monday. I promise you I'm not being lazy (call me captain google as a matter of fact) just harried!