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World of Wacraft Orc/building model low poly fan art

Hello everyone!

This is one of my first few posts. Here's my fan art new player model Orc model 3d model I've been working on. I was trying to get as close as I could to Blizzard's revamped character models. The stylized texturing is a new avenue I'm trying to learn if anyone has any good resources for learning that Photoshop painting. I stopped at 14k polys.

Made in 3Ds Max and Zbrush, Keyshot for basic rendering.

I am self taught, Looking for feedback.







  • Brian "Panda" Choi
    Offline / Send Message
    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    The orc's skin cuold use more off-hue blemishes. Right now, the color overall just reads as flat green with blunt value adjustments. Add some variant warm and cool greens where it would make sense the light would fall on the character.

    As well, I don't think it quite makes sense that the face topology is THAT dense, if we're aiming to reflect the polygonal efficiency of World of Warcraft.
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