I've got this weird issue where DDO can't read the transition between colors, and it's putting transparency in those areas.
Pictures to show what do I mean.
ID map I've baked using Xnormal from the high poly to my low poly, I'm using Zbrush to paint the colors and followed Leslie's instructions as seen on the DDO basics tutorial:

And here's the ID map DDO created:

What's going on? Am I doing something wrong?
Also, is there a way to manually edit the ID map while in DDO if I want to make changes?
Im sorry to say that my reply was so slow that your images have stopped working, shame on me!
You can absolutely edit the Color id map while working on a project, just open up your map, edit it in PS the way you want, close and save it. In your project go to Re-import inputs, re-render and Voila!