Hello everyone. I'm doing some cleanup on my computer. To say that reference folder is completely trashed and devoid of any order would be an understatement. I understand that a lot of artist save inspirational images to your hard drive as well. How do you guys like to keep your own library organized? For example, a friend of mine organizes his by Era > Style > Type. For example, Sc-Fi>Photoreal>Gun. This seems reasonable for me, but how do you guys choose to organize your reference library?
I've noticed that the fewer levels deep one's folders are, the less of a click hassle and more intuitive it is to categorize. However, the tradeoff is that it becomes very difficult to locate specific types of references. Would you agree, or do you have a different philosophy?
What are your guy's thoughts on Adobe Bridge or other similar tagging software? How about websites like Pinterest?
One thing I like to do, whenever possible, is to add the artist's name as a prefix to the file name. Makes it easier to find the source if needed later. But reverse image search is making that a bit obsolete.
Pinterest is great, but I've been burned too many times by link rot, things disappearing off the web because someone redesigns their site, or moves urls, or whatever. The web is so temporal. If I want to save something, I either use my HDD or I upload to the Polycount wiki.
Do a forum search, people have discussed file org in the past, lots of good tips...
filename: descriptive title + (style) + type of thing + by artist
trident (hand painted) weapon by brick tamland.jpg
a whale's vagina (realism) character by ronald JA burgundy.png
san diego zoo (stylised realism) environment by wes mantooth.gif
my ref folder has these sub folders:
environment art
character art
concept art
stuff generally gets dumped into unsorted cos I'm a lazy bastard, I move them into their folders at the end of the week.
If there is a game or film or whatever that I particularly like, it gets its own folder - some of these tend to have dumps of lots of screenshots that I haven't got around to naming properly yet, but being in their own folder means I can get to them quickly enough.
so now I just drag drop shit like a crazy person all day:poly115:
goolge image search is the shit for reverse enginere where the picture came from.
Instead I downloaded Windows Photo Gallery and spent 2-3 nights going through and just tagging every image I had saved with as many relevant tags as I could (thankfully it kept track of previously used tags). As a result of that investment I can now just open my main reference folder with Windows Explorer, type in whatever tag I'm looking for, and have the images sorted almost instantly. The more tags used, the more specific the results.
I have thought about doing this multiple times but never pulled the trigger. Many people use ACDSee here at work to organize their images. I have heard of people using Adobe Bridge too. How are those tags saved in WPG? Does it modify the files at all? Can you export some sort of index if you need to re install or something?
I'll have to check to see how/where the tags are saved. All my images are saved to One Drive, which has so far preserved all the tags between my computers. It might just be a Windows thing that tags the files themselves.
Edit: (I sound like a Microsoft shill, but honestly it is a pretty convenient setup since its all built in and included with the OS)
anatomy (just mostly models without textures that have something special)
characters2d (mostly concept work and even comic book pencil drawings)
characters3d (work with a particular quality even if it is only an impressive single element)
Searching through a general folder can give inspiration on more than just a figure it can give a spark to the whole look. I add stuff to the folders regularly, but also throw out images that no longer seem special as well. I figure if I want something specific then I use google for a refined search. I also use XnView which displays png files too.