I am simply loving the new release, 1.8, but I would like to know something. I have been creating my texture and calibrating it in 3DO. The calibration profile is set to Marmoset 2 Specular as I want to create the final presentation in Marmo. The cross app mdoe lets me check my textures and everything is very close, except the specularity. There is a subtle, but vital difference. A lot of the small, discrete specular effects aren't showing up in Marmo when I rotate my HDR image. I noticed that in 3DO there is a n option called HDR Specular Reflections. This is what is causing the major difference between the two programs, if I leave that unchecked they are completely similar.

How could I achieve or turn on something like "HDR Specular Reflections" in Marmoset? Thank you!