The problem i'm having is that whenever i restart or put the computer to sleep dDo and nDo seem to think the hardware has changed and keeps asking me to re-activate both. This is probably the cause of both programs being set to use the dedicated GPU instead of the integrated GPU.
And although this isn't that big of a problem but more of a nuance it's the part where sometimes Quixel Suite refuses to start. And after the 1.7 update it won't even start at all and gets stuck on the update screen not showing the suite at all.
Reverting back to 1.6 fixes the constant update window and not starting at all but then the licensing problem still persists.
I've tried adding the licensing program to the appropriate GPU but i could not find it (hidden i suppose?).
My best guess is that setting the activation program to use the same GPU as nDo and dDO are expecting would be the fix, i however can't find it.
I had the same problem with the previous version of dDo (legacy dDo), and got no response neither on the forums or by using a ticket. So i really hope that i'm at least getting an answer this time around.
Info (Enduro explained

Enduro is a software solution to having a power saving (integrated) and faster (dedicated) GPU, there is no option to disable either as was with the previous dual GPU laptops. And you assign software to a certain GPU.