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[WIP] Sci-fi Interior

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palexpereira polycounter lvl 7
I've been working on this for a while, the obligatory sci-fi corridor for my portfolio. I was trying to tell a story with this. There are still elements I want to put in.

Some textures are still missing. And now I was trying to light, which makes me nervous and I never know what to do.

Shoot away your criticisms please.

Toolbag Render:


  • Flaw
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    Flaw polycounter lvl 5
    Hey there,

    Nice corridor scene. I like that you're adding the blood stain for some drama. I do have some crit for you.

    Your metals should look like metal. It seems flat now. So try adding some gloss and perhaps reflection. This might help you within Marmoset. There's some examples for both painted metal and chrome mats. http://www.marmoset.co/toolbag/learn/materials

    I would recommend when you start your lighting to go for something dramatic and dark to fit the bloody scene mood. Looking forward to what you come up with.

    Keep it up!
  • Dan Powell
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    Dan Powell polycounter lvl 5
    I like the clean style of the panels, looks very sci-fi and practical; as if the place is actually being used, and kept clean. However, in my opinion the blood feels out of place purely because it's such a contrast against the cleanliness of the rest of the scene. Is the blood fresh, indicating that someone has only just been murdered in this area? If so then you may want to put a small amount of blood on the floor too as it'd be unlikely for it only to be on the wall. :)

    The blood also looks like a flat red colour too - maybe have a look at painting different tones into it? Fresh blood gets darker in the thicker areas of it. Have a look at some reference images. As Flaw mentioned on the panels, if you add the appropriate gloss and spec/metal maps to the blood then it may start to feel a lot more liquid-y. :)

    You might find lighting this easier in the Unreal Engine - a proper level editor. I've always found personally that the Marmoset Toolbag is better for viewing props/characters/materials as opposed to big scenes. :)

    Keep us updated mate! This is coming along nicely.
  • BagelHero
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    BagelHero interpolator
    If this is Toolbag 2, the link Flaw pointed to is kinda outdated.

    For your metal-heavy scene, it may just be better to go the metalness map route. Is it metal? Y = white, N = black. Takes care of your spec so you can just focus on your Gloss map (which is looking pretty flat right now). unless you're tackling rare or complex materials that would be the way to go.

    On another note, not sure Toolbag is a great idea for an environment, even a smaller one. Do you have access to UE4? I just ask because the reflection probes might help make your lighting task a teensy bit easier.
  • palexpereira
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    palexpereira polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks everyone for the replies!

    I will try to make the blood stand out more dramatically. At this point I was still undecided if I wanted to go for the everyday-ups-i-stumbled-upon-a-massacre kind of look or straight up dramatic.

    I will surely take this to Unreal. This is Toolbag 2 and it is definitely not for enviros...
    I'll take a look at those links, though, thanks a lot!
  • BagelHero
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    BagelHero interpolator
    The links I linked are mostly theory, so in practice they transfer over to UE4 too (since it's also PBR), so don't sweat it too much. :)
  • palexpereira
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    palexpereira polycounter lvl 7
    Hey guys!
    So I've been fiddling around with UE4, and I like it a lot!
    I worked on the textures some more. Yet I'm still not too sure about the lightning.

    I'll post a new screenshot again when the blood and the rest of the scene are done.

    What do you think so far?

  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
  • Flaw
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    Flaw polycounter lvl 5
    Glad you started using Unreal. I should of suggested that as well.

    It's a good start. I like the way the metal is developing. I would reduce the bloom and maybe go a bit darker with the lighting.

    What are your plans for that window? I'm assuming that's a window on the upper left. Maybe some stars, or another part of the ship.

    Also check the alpha on that vent (Bottom left and right), looks like I see some white on the cutouts.

    Cool stuff!
  • palexpereira
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    palexpereira polycounter lvl 7
    Flaw wrote: »
    Glad you started using Unreal. I should of suggested that as well.

    It's a good start. I like the way the metal is developing. I would reduce the bloom and maybe go a bit darker with the lighting.

    What are your plans for that window? I'm assuming that's a window on the upper left. Maybe some stars, or another part of the ship.

    Also check the alpha on that vent (Bottom left and right), looks like I see some white on the cutouts.

    Cool stuff!

    Thanks for the feedback!
    Do you know if there is a way to use the emissive textures as a light source? Or is it just point lights?

    I made some textures for the window and I used the glass starter material as a start point for the window material. But it looks crappy. I'm not very technical, and that also ties into the starfield skybox problem. I saw some stuff online and it looks like a pretty complex node system...

    I'll see what I can do
  • palexpereira
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    palexpereira polycounter lvl 7
    looks sick

    Thanks man! That means a lot :)
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for the feedback!
    Do you know if there is a way to use the emissive textures as a light source? Or is it just point lights?

    Emissive in UE4 just adds "bloom" and can't really be used as a light source unfortunately :( unless they have since changed it which I doubt
  • palexpereira
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    palexpereira polycounter lvl 7
    Seems like by using a sky light it uses the emissive map to emit static light.
    This is how it looks so far. It doesn't seem to improve that much... I'm still figuring out how to do proper lightning.

    Added a few effects and the blood.


    About the blood. It is a material applied to a duplicate of the mesh on top. I don't know what kind of material it should be.

    On one hand I tried a Masked Surface. The lightning works, but the cutoff of the alpha is driven by the opacity mask and it only uses the white value, and thus there's no soft masking.


    On the other hand I tried a Translucent Surface. Even though the alpha is correct, driven by the opacity, translucent materials don't light the same way.


    Any help would be great, I'm really striving to make a nice portfolio piece...
  • Dan Powell
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    Dan Powell polycounter lvl 5
    In the future (I think it's in version 4.6 that's to be released) I think Epic are planning to reinstate the feature where you can use bloom/emissive to create actual lighting, though do be weary in doing such as in the UDK it could quite quickly become expensive.

    Looking a lot better now in Unreal. :) You should play around with some post-processing volumes, as they can really add a lot to the scene.

    When you've textured in that blood, have you done it literally on the mesh's texture - you should try using decals for that instead. Quickly searched on YouTube and found a tutorial on doing decals for you


    You'll be able to use this to make your blood look a lot better too, as the YouTube video goes through making a blood decal that is PBR-accurate
  • palexpereira
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    palexpereira polycounter lvl 7
    Dan Powell wrote: »
    In the future (I think it's in version 4.6 that's to be released) I think Epic are planning to reinstate the feature where you can use bloom/emissive to create actual lighting, though do be weary in doing such as in the UDK it could quite quickly become expensive.

    Looking a lot better now in Unreal. :) You should play around with some post-processing volumes, as they can really add a lot to the scene.

    When you've textured in that blood, have you done it literally on the mesh's texture - you should try using decals for that instead. Quickly searched on YouTube and found a tutorial on doing decals for you


    You'll be able to use this to make your blood look a lot better too, as the YouTube video goes through making a blood decal that is PBR-accurate

    Wow thanks A Lot!
    Not literally on the mesh's texture but on a duplicate mesh of this part of the corridor. I didn't know about decals. Awesome :)

    Actually I'm not liking how the scene is coming together... I just doesn't feel right. Could you possibly point out what you feel is not working?
  • Flaw
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    Flaw polycounter lvl 5
    Decals are the way to go with that blood. Hope it works well for you.

    You were asking about what looks like it's not working:
    I'm still not sold on the metal material. It looked a bit better in the previous shots, not sure if you altered it. I feel like the issue is in its reflective/specular property. There should be a more clear difference between the painted and non painted metal materials.
    Reduce some of those large scratches and make them more subtle and concentrate on their placement.The tiling ones on the corners are too noticeable. Also, make the scratches much whiter on your spec maps to get that scratched metal look.

    Inspirational stuff with texture map examples HERE

    Good luck!
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