I am trying to paint a blendmask between 2 textures. It works, but I have a little issue. When I enable the painting on the mask, then the 2 textures disappears from my model, and it shows only the masks, which isn't really a good thing. Is there a way to paint to the mask without hiding the textures?
I use a composite material, viewport canvas, and 3dsmax.
Longer answer: Viewport canvas will only display the thing you are painting. There are some other methods using custom shaders but they might not work with newer versions.
I'm not really sure why autodesk hasn't updated max so this kind of masking works in the viewport with native tools.
Just so I understand, are you using a composite map in the diffuse slot? And then using viewport canvas to target the blend mask of the top layer?
Yeah I also almost gave up
And it has a second uv channel, so that we can use with our masks.
This setup won't work with viewport canvas, except if we make tiled versions too from our textures.I made the tiled versions with quick render to texture from uv 1 to uv 2. Then we can use these on the viewport canvas layers, and we set the uv channel to 2 in our standard material.
Now we can make new layers, and import the baked,tiled textures.
We can add layer masks, and we will paint on these.
Result, after a few minutes of playing:
You can save this as a psd file, so it can be opened with Photoshop, and the layer masks will be still there.
You can save out your maks in Photoshop and use it in your game engine, or in 3dsmax, with a composite material, or anywhere, and you won't need the tiled (baked) versions anymore, because there, you can use multiple uv channels .
It works but its not the most user friendly...
- The composite diffuse also cant't use different uv channels for the textures and the masks, if you want to show it in the viewport, but it works on the render...
Doesn't work with Viewport Canvas though, it completely disregards the Material Editor.
Yeah I know about Mix map, but it can handle only two layers, and I have to display 4 layers. Now I use composite with my masks, and I simply set the textures uv channel to 1 and the masks channels to 2. It works fine.
- If you are tiling inside the material editor in max, and you will use the meshes in your game engine later, then you'll have to set up these tilings again in the engine. This can take time if we are talking about many meshes, complex scenes, so personally I prefer tiling with the uvs.
Yes, I tried our many things with viewport canvas to work good with multiple uvs and layer masks, but it looks like there is no real connection between the material editor and the viewport canvas.
Exactly, its a proper preview, when I paint. Thanks !