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zbrush multi mesh bursh without resizing....

polycounter lvl 6
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Beddall polycounter lvl 6

I'l looking to make a tiling texture of some wooden beams / planks of varying lengths and orientation.

I have been following the tiling texture tutorial from naughty dog on the pixologic website. I have created 7 different planks of varying lengths all ready to go into my InsertMultiMesh brush.

the problem I'm having is that when I create the brush it's like each subtool gets 'unified'. so that when I'm ctrl snapping them to the brush size when laying them down, the planks are all coming in at the same size. (as in, the short ones will have the same length as the longest one but will appear much wider due to it being scaled / unified to match the others. )

is there a way around this?

or a tutorial anywhere on creating a tiling texture in zbrush that isn't using the 2.5d scrolling canvas, or isn't a brick wall with evenly sized bricks, or that doesn't use the wrap mode on the brushes.

basically. I have lots of planks that I need to make into a tiling texture but it seems to be quite impossible in zbrush with my limited knowledge. :)

any help will be greatly appreciated.



  • jfitch
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    jfitch polycounter lvl 5
    If you have all the pieces you want and you know the layout you want, you could export them all and bring them into another 3d program and set them up, not ideal though I know. Essentially what you'd need to do is change your brush size but if you don't get it perfect that could be a hassle.

    Phil K has some great tutorials on tiling textures in general which may lend some support, but as far as the zbrush specific things go I'm not sure.

  • Beddall
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    Beddall polycounter lvl 6

    thanks for the reply.

    I currently have a list of brush sizes that need to be used foe each tool in the brush. not ideal, and it's really slow going. I'm thinking that exporting to Maya and setting it up in there is going to be the only realistic workflow.

    If only there was a way to instance a goz'd mesh in maya... so that you could sculpt one sub tool and then GoZ it and have it update all your proxy meshes in maya....

    If this is possible I'd really like to know how it can be achieved. :)

    thanks for th elink. I'll certainly have a look.

    thanks again.
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