Hello everyone,
I just recently purchased the GMH2 hair script for maya.
So far I love the script, but I bought the script because I was under the impression that it created lowpoly hair for use in game engines. I was disappointed to find out that it does not do this, nor does the tutorial cover how to bake the results back into the hair strips to be used in game engines...
I would love to be able to do this, so my question is, is there a way to do this inside maya? I've been all over the web and cant seem to find any info on how to do it, I find it hard to believe that it isn't possible?
It would be much appreciated if you anyone could offer some tips, or point me in the right direction for baking the GMH2 results, back into the hair strips I created in Zbrush, and used to generate the hair?
and thank you!
all the best...
PS: since this is a multi app pipeline, I'm going to post this any where I think it has a chance of being answered....