Hi everyone my name is Nick Adams from PolyKnight Games we are currently working on InnerSpace a game we have brought to
KickStarter to see if it's worth making.
Today I am asking for a little of the PolyCount communities time to see what you guys think! I know you guys are all professionals or aspiring to be better in each of your fields and I would love your opinions! Just post a quick comment and tell me about what you see obviously what you don't like will probably be more important to me but your free to let me know what you do like as well.
click me for trailer)
Here is our current trailer of the game most of the models can be seen here we are hoping to get a model viewer together soon so it's easier to look at them and rotate them and view topology.
Here are some views of the plane. The colors are not permanent we still have 100% decided on that.
These are some structures we created to populate the environments specifically the giant towers that you see. We wanted these to feel alive places where people currently reside. They are stagnant right now because we don't have any animations but if anyone has suggestions for what we could do that would be awesome. I am already thinking stuff like balloons floating form the cities to collect solar or wind power might be cool.
These are examples of environments we currently have the top one being under water. We want to add more sea life as well as above sea life. Any suggestions on plants or animals that would work well to make the environments look more alive?
These are some concepts for environment that we will be creating I would love to see what you guys think and what you think will improve it!
These are demi gods each environment houses one and they have the power to shape and change this environment.
Finally for those interested here is a look at the shader. We even have a blog post on
polyknightgames.com that explains exactly how the shader works.
Thanks for taking a look I hope you decided to comment and give us some feedback! We really appreciate it!
-Nick Adams
p.s. All assets made in Blender anyone else out there using blender?