Creating a thread for all my art so i can showcase my progress and possibly get some critique? I am a student in my first year of Games Art at the University of Hertfordshire

Here's what i'm working on currently, a pod racer engine for one of my 3D Briefs

Really liking this brief, allows me to develop my modelling and trying new interesting shapes. I was kind of pushing for a steampunk kind of vibe, but i'm not sure if i'm doing that properly
Heres some reference
Heres a game asset i'm working on atm, its been really fun, still needs a lot of work
but keep up the good work!
A small futuristic Chinese styled steamer, named Table 69 (Not out of choice)
Feedback appreciated
Concept art done by Danny Chan -
Please pay respects to him by checking out his work, it's really cool!