Volume 1 Submitted to the Asset Store!
The first in a series of 10 utility shader packs for the Unity Asset Store. These are going to be mostly general-use shaders that can be handy in a pinch or used for a number of common or unorthodox purposes.
Price: $10
Volume 1 said:
A series of utility shaders including several types of distortion, blurring and pixelation as well as cooldown shaders.
Shader List:
Directional Blur (Low Med High)
Directional Blur by Texture
Radial Blur
Zoom Blur
Box Blur (Loow, Medium, High, Ultra)
Gauss Blur 5x5 (Max)
Drop Shadow
6 Types of Cooldown Effect
(Toggle, Fade, Wipe, Radial, Circle, By Texture)
Wave Distortion Pattern and Hex Pattern Included
Unity Free and Pro
DX9/DX11/GL/GLES2.0 Compatible
Shader Forge Compatible
Unity 4.3 (no confirmed Unity5...yet)
Click to expand...
If there's interest in smaller sets of textures (just the blurred ones, or the cooldown, or some more pixelation/noise), I might consider doing smaller $5 packages with just them. Any feedback, requests or support should also go in this thread.
Future Roadmap:
USV1 Distortion
USV2 Bars and Dials
USV3 Artistic Filters
USV4 Maps
USV5 Digital
USV6 Tracking
USV7 Effects
USV8 Detail
USV9 Unstatic Lightmapping
USV - X Complete Package
Special thanks to our own Acegikmo for Shader forge - all the shaders are SF compatible!
Aside looking nice
You'd have to make a script that applies the shader to a rendertexture and back out as a quad. Also, most of the shaders rely or work best with mip-maps, something which I think rendertextures don't do (???).
I've submitted a free package to the Asset Store with some examples for compatibility testing. These aren't SF-compatible and the settings have been disabled (can't change blur amount, etc) but you can plug your own texture in.
Keep an eye out for that, should hit soon.
EDIT: I've received a lot of requests for Image Effect support for one of the later packs (Digital Screen USV5) so that'll probably have it on release.
EDIT2: Free Preview Pack is available on the asset store!
In the meantime, if you're interested in some of the shaders, but not the whole pack, I've broken USV1 up into 2 smaller chunks as well!
Utility Shaders - Texture Blur
Box Blur, Gauss Blur, Directional Blur, Radial Blur, Rotational Blur!
Utility Shaders - Cooldown
6 cooldown effects applied per-texture -; create cooldown effects for your MOBA/MMO/RPG special Abilities!
Utility Shaders - Distortion
Pixelate, distort, fade and de-res your texture for reveals and such!
Have been submitted to the asset store for $5 each. They're the exact same shaders/textures/materials as in USV1 so if you have that you already hae all the assets!
Somewhere in between. Early prototypes were both hand-written and Shader Forge'd, depending on the shader in question, before everything was brought over to Shader Forge compatible files.
I'd thought about doing an optimized version (no SF compatibility), but to notice any performance gain you'd have to use loads of mats with these shaders on-screen, and that's not too likely.