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Default Zbrush Displacement issue - Not capturing detail (Smoothes map)

Hi i am having a slight issue i have tried to fix my self for few days now with trial and error with no solution and would be grateful with someones insight.

the problem is - iam trying to export a displacement map (settings Attached) but it is smoothing out my details for some reason.

the closest i have got to fixing this is by raising the subdivision by 1 and deleting lower then re exporting a displacement map, but this shouldn't be the case as ive seen many tutorials of people exporting their displacement map perfectly from subd1

every time i raise the subdivision and delete lower the map seems more detailed (imaged attached)

ive tried morph target, playing with the dsubpix settings, playing with the mid settings, tried on different computers, different zbrush's, exporting textures and normals first, exporting out of the right panel menu, trying exporting off older models

any idea on whats going on ?

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