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Dwarven Workshop: UE4

polycounter lvl 3
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bearrrs polycounter lvl 3
Hey everyone, I'm currently a junior at Ringling College of Art and Design in the Game Art program. For this current assignment we were tasked to create a Workshop.

My partner and I are creating tolkeinesque Dwarven workshops. He's doing a forge and I'm doing a jewel crafting space.

I'm at a pretty early stage but I'd really love some feedback.

I've sort of been struggling with keeping the scale and proportions oversized (As is typical for dwarves) while also keeping my environment within scope. It's been kind of a struggle to get the actual workshop details (Like the tables/materials) to work with the size of the architecture visually without getting lost.
Here's my original concept piece, not super great as I'm not used to painting environments but I definitely learned a lot in the process. I'm not trying to make it exactly match this piece, the purpose of it was just to get the general idea and mood down.

And here's some shots of my blockout. I'm currently finishing up the models. so I still have to UV, sculpt out the figurative and rocky details, texture, lightmap, etc.

Entrance to the workshop:

General overview of workshop 1


General overview 2


Mine Entrance

Thanks for looking! Any notes/crits would be appreciated.


  • beefaroni
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    beefaroni sublime tool
    I think you should step back and re-evaluate the scale you have. Maybe create a ref sheet from the LOTR films and really look at that. You may want to deviate even further from the concept.

    In the entrace to the workshop, my eye wants to look at that mining cart, but it's too damn small!! It looks comically small compared to the rest of the scene. Like seriously. It looks two stairs tall. Make it maybe twice as big!?

    It's off to a great start, but I think all the proportions really need to be revisited. It's really going to hurt this piece if you don't correct them before going further!!

    Good luck!
  • bearrrs
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    bearrrs polycounter lvl 3
    Great notes! Thank you. I usually don't struggle with scale/proportions in my environments but this one has been my most challenging to manage in those terms.

    I knew something felt off with the cart, but I wasn't sure what so thanks!
  • beefaroni
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    beefaroni sublime tool
    No problem. Also do you have the new most recent Hobbit movie on hand? IIRC there was a pretty big fight at the end in the Dwarven Mines. Tons of ref waiting to be used :D
  • bearrrs
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    bearrrs polycounter lvl 3
    I do, I'm definitely going to give it a rewatch.
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