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Lego Fight scene

Hey you lovely lot. First post on this site so I'm kinda nervous but I digress.

As a side project from uni work, I am working on a little turntable fight scene between some Lego figures in 3D.

Not had a lot of spare time at the moment but here are some samples of what I've got so far.


Here is the first figure, based off myself (all 4 models are)
Not even unwrapped and using a very quick and dirty material set up in Marmoset.
This is the current High Poly for model 1, and the only thing I want to change is the hair, but Im not sure if the blockier look fits more with the Lego Aesthetic. There's also some pinching on the beard, but this is easily fixed.


Here are the other 3 models I want to include into the turntable. These are the Low Poly versions, averaging between ~6'000 to 7'500 Poly each.


The Low and High Poly models respectively for my corner pieces. Granted, they may not be exact replicas of Lego bricks as I haven't found any in this exact shape and button configuration, but what's art without a little artistic licence


This is a very quick block out idea of the turntable. The idea if to have 2 of the figures fighting in the centre, and having the 3rd kicking the 4th through a wall made of Lego bricks.

Any and all criticism will be greatly welcomed and appreciated as I know you're all busy people and I just want to produce the best work possible.

EDIT - The To Do List (will cross off once I have worked on it)

1. Fix hair to avoid head sticking through the back
2. Fix hard surface control lines on Legs/Feet
I will continue to add when problems/ideas appear


  • j.pears
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    j.pears polycounter lvl 4
    nice start man, liking the variation. what are you going to render it out in? (as id suggest UE4 as its awesome for plastic texturing ). few things id suggest, the hard surface control lines are slightly off at the back of the head, there are some random edges coming through the hair. also the legs/feet could possibly do with being a bit more rounded at the edges.
    but nice start man.
  • GarethButcher
    I plan to render out in Unreal 4 (for the reason you stated)

    Yeah, I plan to go back and adjust the control lines to match something similar to what I've done with the corner piece (much rounder corners and edges)

    The hair is still a work in progress, but I see your point. Ill address it as soon as possible.

    Actually, I'll make a to do list on the first post so I can easily see anything I need to work on

    Thanks for the advice though man.
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