So I finally decided on what champion to do, or maybe champions.
I've always loved the idea of this theory:
So I've decided to do my contest entry based on it.

I was thinking of doing Jarven on one side of a mirror and Leblanc on the other. The idea is to get a glimpse of Leblanc as Jarven when she doesn't have to be all macho in front of the Demacians.
This will be one of my first attempts at a more illustration style, as normally my pictures are more manga like. I'm also pretty bad at drawing males so I guess we'll see how Jarven turns out.

3D models:
Riot's splash art:
Some pose ideas:
And some mirror stock photos by senshistock:
This is just angle ideas, not poses. I quite like having it at a slightly top down angle, like it's vea a security camera. I guess it feels like it makes it a more private moment?
Not really sure what one I like the most, apart from in actual sketching ability. I want something feminine as she/he looks in the mirror. And Leblanc strikes me as a poser. :P