My current project hopefully i won't abandon again.
I'm a big fan of Telltale's The Walking Dead, and decided to do a fan art of Clementine. I'm doing a much older Clem, in her 20s, in realistic style, kinda like The Last of Us, but without those crazy detail since i'm working on a low-spec laptop.
Decided to make a thread about this, because i would love to get more constructive criticism about my model so i could learn some things from you guys.
Here's the base model, haven't worked so much on her body, because i'm still trying to nail her likeness.

I know it's looks kinda bad, still working on it. Some advice is greatly appreaciated, because i'm not really good at anatomy (never do a proper practice before).
And here's her face in close up

Looking back at my references (i always forgot to look at my ref :poly117:), i think this could be better. Will do a proper comparison shot later, so you guys could see better on what went wrong on my model.
And here's what i got so far

Kinda hard to find a better references for the clothes, still trying to make the fold look natural. Things to add is shoes, shirt, gloves, bag, and probably her hat.
Will put my ref sheet later, for a better comparison.
Any help is greatly appreciated

Thank you, and yes, will do that. And some more curl will be done via hair card in the end.
Yeah, her hat is too iconic for her, and i'm gonna do it, but she's not gonna wear it. It will be a prop for my final presentation.
Manage to tweak her face a little
for comparison.
this head is ripped from the game by someone. Got it through some 3d website. I'm just using it as reference, that's all.
Thank you, still trying to push the likeness a bit more since i'm not pretty satisfied with it yet. :poly121:
Anyway, update on the anatomy. Pretty happy with the shapes now, and move on to her clothing. Of course, if there's something bothering you guys about the anatomy, i could always go back and fix it.
I'm after a skinny Clem, since it's zombie apocalypse, and food is pretty hard to find, especially after +11 years since the outbreak..
Ref is mostly based on this one
her hair is more curly, but you said you will work more on that later, so okay.
her cap is what will make her look like HER
besides that, i think youre going nicely so far. keep up the good work
Yeah, see if you can add the hat.
It's ok. Yeah, i'm making Clem in her early 20s. More curly hair noted and i'll try to give her hat later on. Thank you for your kind words.
I'm on it.:thumbup:
And the reason i'm not putting her hat in the first place is probably because of this picture
Without her hat, i think she looks so friggin cute.:poly136:
But yeah, i'm gonna add the hat to make sure that it is her.
Thank you, and yeah, kinda hard to make her look not 'asian', but i'll try to tweak things up.:)
A little bit of update. I change the jacket to make her look a little bit more awesome. Here's the first pass on the jacket.
I'm open to suggestion, so feel free to critique.
maybe the hat is half destroyed and she has it hanging in her belt or something? like its not wearable any longer but she keeps it for nostalgia
I think she needs some scratches/bruises. Can't imagine she's had none of those while growing up. I don't mean you need to mangle her, just some indication of her hardships would add a lot.
Thank you, and that is exactly what i've had in mind! She's not gonna wear it, but it will be hanged in her backpack for a memorabilia.
But i might made her wear it, though, just to see if everything went well with the face, and decided later on whether to keep her wearing it or just as a prop.
Thank you!! Yes, i'm adding the hat.
Thank you. Got me some free time this week. Hopefully managed to get more work done on her.
Thanks, and yes, agreed with the whole bruises idea. I'm going to add them later!
No update this time, i'm trying to work on my Riot entry too, hopefully i could finish them both.
Also I don't suggest putting wrinkles in the pants in front of the knees, it will look very wrong any time your character has their legs bent which is usually a lot of the time
Yes, i'll try to shorten them up a bit.
And thank you for the suggestion, i'll be sure to check on them.
Thanks, man. Appreciate the encouragement!
Anyway, nothing big going on since i'm focusing on my Riot Entry first, but managed to fix some anatomy problem, and do some hairstyles.
A bit half-assed work though, and only 3 hairstyles atm.
Actually liked the hairstyle 1, because i want her to look different than her younger self, but kinda afraid that nobody might recognized her.
The hair styles 2 is just a shorter version of the original hair, but i like how she look with it + hat + tied hair.
What do you guys think? Don't mind the un-curliness, will add those after i've decided which one i'll use.
If you had other hairstyles ref that kinda match with Clem's hair, let me know.
I'm working on her jacket and jeans atm
I think her nose might be a little small. Her nose in the game is fairly wide, and both her parents seem to have fairly prominent noses, so maybe it needs to be a little more bulbous?
I love the hairstyle stuff you're doing. The use of her cap is a great addition. If you were to use that I think it should be made fairly small. It fits her child head quite well, so on an adult I'd imagine it'd be much tighter, or sitting more on top of her head.
Personally I like 'Hairstyle 1'. My instinctive reaction would be to go for the original, with the cap, but as she knows the importance of short hair for survival, Hairstyle 1 offers the most logical, but stylish look. Perhaps the cap could just be a prop elsewhere on the character - attached to a bag or something.
Really great work, I'll definitely keep an eye on this project. I hope some of my comments have been useful, and I apologise if some of my points have already been mentioned!
Thank you for the kind words.
Agree about the nose, i'll try to widen her nose and see if it makes her look much better.
And about the hat, i'll make it smaller.
And yes, if i were to chose hairstyle 1, i'm going to attach the hat to her bag, with the hat being badly damaged that she can't use it.
I'm still trying to find more ref for the hair, adding more option. All i know is that i has to be short.
I'm glad I could help, I look forward to seeing more on this!
I'll do her shoes next, and then the overall detail.
Thank you, and yes, hand sculpted.:poly136:
Still looks off on several part, but i think it still looks nice. Will improve later.
Heres her basic head shapes so far.
Thanks! Still got a lot of unfinished projects that i like to continue because its such a shame to just threw it all away.
Its good to know that i'm leaning in the right direction of her likeness, but still trying to pushed it more later.
Thank you! Definitely going to add wear and tear in the final tweak once i'm done sculpting all of the base cloth and such.
A little update, overall clothing are done, except shoes. Still need more detail on the folds and what-not, but going to brainstorm first on what kind of accessories i need to add, to truly bring out her character.
I'm really suck at doing a concept...i wanted to maintain a simple look for her outfit, but still well prepared for the apocalypse. I didn't want to clutter them with a bunch of gritty survival stuff, but i still feel unsatisfied with it because it looks so bland. Guess i'll just figure it out along the way..
Helps, suggestions, and feedback are appreciated. Meanwhile, i'm going to do her shoes.
Removed her hat. The idea is that the hat is badly damaged, and because its pretty iconic for Clem, i tied it to her bag. Going to make the cloth a little baggier too, wanted to do a snowy scene for the presentation, so planning to make them thicker.
Let me know if theres some glaring anatomy issues, im still learning.
Still need to push the likeness more, will upload comparison too later after i've done some more.
So, if I were you, I would also sculpt some proper feet with toes as well. It helps you to maintain the shape and size of shoes later on.
Anatomy critiques:
- The space between clavicles should be around the width of two fingers. Now they are too close to each other.
- Sternocleidomastoid also has a secondary clavicular origin, where it's lacking in your sculpt.
- The primary origin of sternocleidomastoid doesn't insert to the clavicles, it goes past them and inserts to the sternum (the manubrium part of it), hence the name of the muscle.
- The shape and insertion of the serratus anterior from the medial margin of scapula is now occupying the space for teres major, medial border of scapula and a bit of rhomboids.
- Her knees could have a bit better construction. Now they are nearly there, but not quite.
Here I made an overpaint for improvements:
Some explanations:
The black line from her ASIS to pubic symphysis should be deeper, so that from a side view we could only see more or less her mons pubis. Look from these examples how nice is the angle from the belly fat pad to the pubic symphysis / mons pubis. And see how the sartorius makes the silhouette line from ASIS.
- Both her medial and lateral erector spinae muscle columns should be emphasized a bit more.
- Females have this rhombus of michaelis bump between their bony PSIS indentation landmarks
- Those white zigzag lines represents areas for smoothing.
- Clavicles should have a slight s-shape.
- Her ribcage could me narrower.
- Side of her breast could end with a soft round crease hitting the pecs.
- On the lower part of her knees there should be tibial tuberosity visible.
- The back of her knees, there is no extra line above the lower line. I marked it with a red zigzag.
- The white dot on the side of her buttocks is the greater trochanter which is an indentation.
Etc. etc. You'll get the point, right? I hope this is useful, and sorry for my bad 2D overpaint. My 2D skills are zero.
Heres the actual Clementine from Telltale
Heres mine
Lots of defined shape to show more mature side. Anybody know what part of the head shapes that has prominent changes over time and age?
Yeah, its a pretty slow progress, as finding some motivation is pretty hard for me lately. So just doing this in my free time and when i felt like it.