Hello, My name is Marcus!
For my contest entry I wanted to take a crack at visually updating a splash for my favorite and best champion: Riven!

I've chosen to update her Crimson Elite Riven skin.

I want to portray Riven as a powerful warrior (1 of Noxus' best), someone from an "Elite" unit. Which imo her current splash on LIVE fails to do.
In game her model doesn't look as outdated as the splash art, actually I kind of like her in game model her armor reminds me of Frostblade Irelia (except black).

However, my main problem with the skin are these 3 areas.
NOTE: I also have a problem with the overall splash. It looks as if she is slightly scared, rather than being the strong poster child of Noxian spirit. I plan to show that power, as well as the guilt that she carries.

- Her helmet is awful.
- Riven has a beautiful hairstyle that should be preserved, however if she needs to wear something I can picture her wearing a hood, or some type of cowl.
- That cape thing?
- I feel like this isn't even necessary looks like it limits her movements in game I may be overlooking but it bugs me and I want to change that. If I can picture her wearing a cape I will give her a proper one. >.>
- The sword, looks more like an over-sized box cutter rather than a sword.
- A small re-visualization should make it look more menacing.
I will post some references and sketches within the next couple of days! ^^

Rough sketch.
Thinking of scrapping the cape, or at least shortening it.
More sketches coming soon!
- fix her face
- nose
- mouth
- eyebrows
- eyes
- hair
- readjust the hood to show slight strands of hair.
- add a gauntlet to her sword hand (similar to redeemed rivens where it resembles a shield).