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UDK texture pixelation

hi guys

i import my textures inside udk and after compressing they become very pixelated. I tried many things like changing LODTexture group and LODBias but it doenst make any difference. I made simple model with simple textures to show whats going on.

First picture shows uncompressed texture.


Second shows this same texture but after compression.


I also made texture with only solid color. First shows uncompressed one.


And second after compression.


Does someone know what could cause it and how to fix it?

Thanks in advance.


  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Its because of the TC_Default compresison. If you want your texture totally uncompressed, then use the SimpleLightmapModification compression. This is the only uncompressed format. For normalmaps, you need TC_normalmap_uncompressed. If you still see some pixelation after changing your texture's compression to SLM, then it can come from the lightmaps. They can be also uncompressed, but this has to be changed in the lightmass ini files.
  • ab1207
    Thanks for quick reply. It works, but I've already made some tests, and it occurs only to the diffuse texture. I think it is caused by AO map. When I import diffuse texture without AO and AO map separetly and multipled it inside material editor it works fine with default compression settings.
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