Hey PC.
I tried editing my maxstartup file to get a better grid working for me and i think i did something wrong.
Now my viewport clipping is really bad, even when i drag the sliders to max it still clips really early on.
Here is an image of the problem.
Now my first question is, is there any way to reset the startup file to its initial settings? And how can i configure max to work with metrics without running into this problem again (ill be working with buildings and real life measurements would be really handy).
Thank you.
So max creates a new one when starting?
Ah thank you. That sorted out my first problem.
Whatever you set as displayed units will then show up everywhere in the UI where you can type-in dimensions. However this is just a handy conversion : with display units set to, say, centimeters, Max can still operate in inches internally. Also internal and display units settings can vary widely depending on the kind of project you are working on. One thing to remember (if I am not mistaken ...) is that OBJ has no notion of real world measurements, as it only stores virtual/generic units.
I would think that tinkering with the Internal units can be a bit dangerous at times, but probably necessary.
To get to the units settings : Customize > Units setup. At least in Max2010 - not sure about the newer releases