Going with Barbarian Darius. I'm still experimenting with shapes and truth be told a lot of the details i will probably be taking out. Orignally I wanted to put as much detail as possible, but i realized a lot of it was just noisy detail and distracted from overall look so i tried to trim down a lot while still having good shapes.
I wanted to try out a maul design on Darius even though he uses an axe by choice, i thought nothing would be more brutal than pushing R and bashing a foes brains in.
"Can I use a concept art from a friend or that I found online?
No. You can only use your own concept or any concept from Riot."
This concept looks great so far! I could totally see this in game. Keep up the good work, can't wait to see final product!:poly142::thumbup::thumbup:
Im still not certain if I want to go with the maul idea, simply because its a huge blocky shape. Going to work with it more and try to make it more pleasing. If i go that route, thinking of putting in a spear or something on his belt for his (E) Apprehend. Just a passing thought.
Crits always welcome
Again I like what you are doing, but I've seen a lot of comments by Riot employees telling people that they stray too far from the original key landmarks of the character.
I still have a lottttt of stuff to do in a little amount of time and frankly im not sure if i can pull it off. I've got most of the geometry blocked in. Still have to do color,uv's,presentation and posing. XD wish me luck 8 more days!!! AHH