Hey guys. Disclaimer here, I'm going to be asking a lot of seemingly basic questions about Maya on this forum when I cannot find a solution via google! I'm not lazy, I do check other resources before bothering the community with silly questions. So now that's said...
When I select multiple objects to rotate, how do I get them to rotate together without grouping them? In 3ds it's easy to just select multiple objects and have them rotate together (and switching to local space allows you to rotate the objects like Maya's default).
I'd rather not create a bunch of random groups in the outliner that I then have to clean up just to perform basic transform functions.
Thanks all! Really appreciate all the help and support from this forum already. Soon enough I'll be able to be more of a contributing member to others.
Well after clicking around and playing some more I was able to find out the option I was looking for! Odd that it wasn't on by default as that would make most sense to me.
9k 1 vs Maya 256125
Right now I'm in the process of setting up a custom drop down menu which I'm going to assign some mel script buttons inside of that take the selected and apply them to certain layers in my scene.
Maya seems to have a lot of capability, but it seems that to speed things up it relies heavily on user customization... For instance it would take a long time to select a few objects, right click on the layer you want them on and then hit "apply selected to layer"... Not bad if you have to do it once or twice, but when you are working with CAD and trying to select all the bolts to get the on their own layer you almost have to script something... (unless I'm missing an easier way to assign selected to selected layer). Haha
I am really starting to see how Maya would be considered more complicated than 3ds. Both are great programs, but the more I work with Maya the more I'm starting to see the differences.
The java experience will help with python, I would recommend python over Mel for Mayas scripting, since Mel is less powerful and mostly just legacy now. Though Mel is needed if you have to modify existing scripts.