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IN PROGRESS: Material Import Issue still there (v1.7c)

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Avis Para.doc's polycounter lvl 10
When I create a new material from custom maps ddo shows two error windows everytime I load a map and stops processing the map.

Win7 x64, PS CS6 x64


  • teddybergsman
    Thank you Avis! Looking into this, will let you know my findings.

    - Teddy
  • Avis Para.doc's
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    Avis Para.doc's polycounter lvl 10
    If it helps, on my work PC (Win8 x64, PS CS6 x64) v1.5 import map working fine and on my home PC (Win7 x64, PS CS6 x64) v1.4 was working fine too.
  • Avis Para.doc's
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    Avis Para.doc's polycounter lvl 10
    I've spent some time to determine what caused my problem. I updated all soft that can connect with photoshop or java. but nothing helps me. What interesting that on one stage I geted an error when removing map from import material slot. So I suspect that issue is still caused by my user folder name contains apostrophe. But weird thing is that when I change a custom shared directory nothing changes and it still working in its old folders.
    Dont think it helps you to much but it might be a step to solving.

    EDIT: NDO Photo Normal working fine in runtime folder of my user account.
  • Avis Para.doc's
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    Avis Para.doc's polycounter lvl 10
    1.8 exactly same issue =(
  • Eric Ramberg

    Could you clarify your first post a little bit for me? Have you made a custom material yourself, and the suite crashes when you try to load it in a project?

    Your apostrophe in the path might very well be cause for some problems, you should avoid any non-alphanumerical characters in the install path or to your project files!
  • Avis Para.doc's
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    Avis Para.doc's polycounter lvl 10
    First of all thanks for reply!
    It happens when I try to load a custom map in any slot of "Custom Material Creator". A little preview :poly139:


    All in all I already have some problems in other programs with user folder name before. And I dont wanted to reinstall Windows and software in other user account only because that. I think issue will be solved when I will upgrade my PC and reinstall Windows with proper user name (in couple of month). So you can work with more important bugs at the moment, if I will come across that error again I'll just post a reply in this thread. I think it would be right for all :)
  • Eric Ramberg
    Hi Avis!

    First of all thank you very much for helping out on other subjects, very appreciated!
    This is a known bug, we think it might be PS specific. Try creating your custom material inside of DDO instead and see if that works better!

    Hopefully that will turn that frown upside down :)
  • Avis Para.doc's
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    Avis Para.doc's polycounter lvl 10

    But nothing helps.
    I tried button "Import custom mat" in new ddo project - same error. Tried "Add custom" button in "material browser" - still error.

    Only way I see is to use "save smart material" button instead, but its not handy because it'll bring chaos in all libraries :icon15:
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