Hey Everyone!
Many of you who know me , know I have been working on releasing our first game ever! I am happy to say that Temple Tap is finally out and ready for purchase!
Please If you have a Iphone 4-5, or Ipad 2~+ Please pick it up!
We will have the patched 5S and 6 versions by the weekend, and the kindle/nook/android versions out next month!
Thanks again and please Enjoy the game!
(Incase you are wondering I was the Director/VFX/Game designer on this project)
Hers a bit of art seen in the game and in the cut scenes!

you can see the game trailer on our website here!
Please check out our social media if you can!
Main Site:
And please spread the word, vote for it on apple so more people can see it!
just so you all know!
The iphone 5s and 6 and 6s had an aspect ratio issue we just fixed. We pushed an update and should go live shortly.
The Android/kindle/nook versions will be out sometime next month if all goes well!
(So no one has an excuse now! mwahhaah)
And we are already working on game #2!
And we are #1 on the IOS gaming reddit section right now! If you check out reddit please give us an upvote and please any of you who have played the game please post your 2 cents in here!
We got some more reviews underway! But for now I am posting to get some user feedback!
We are hosting a little contest right now trying to find the characters perfect little companion for our next game! We would love some input from everyone!
You can reply on the twitter or our FB Or even here if you prefer!
And here is the link to our latest let's player!
And one I saw that went live and no emails back that they did so! (Thought this one is kinda boring truth told
Please vote for us! We need as many ratings/votes to get more people to see our game on both android and apple!