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Reset X-Form & move Pivot after Skinning (3DS Max/Dota2)

polycounter lvl 14
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THE 5 polycounter lvl 14
I barely ever rigged a character before so I hope I am just missing something obvious here.

I finished rigging my set for Dota and then noticed that I have to move the pivot to (0,0,0) and also reset the X-Form on some meshes.

I used the Skin modifier and when I move the pivotor reset X-Forms, the rigged mesh becomes entirely depositioned.

I tried resetting X-Form "underneath" the skin modifier and also tried cut-pasteing the modifier after doing the canges, sadly to no avial.

I hope there is a sollution other than re-riggin the entire set, afterall the rigging is not lost as the animations still work, the objects just float arround in space.


Exporting the weights, resetting the X-Forms, adding a new Skin modifier and adding the bones, re-importing the saved weights seems to kinda work. It worked for the hood, but the Head was rotated 90°.
And no matter what mesh, whe importing them into dota they are scaled up.


  • No Pie For You!
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    No Pie For You! polycounter lvl 6
    i got the same problem with my stuff when i`m trying to import from 3ds-ingame. usually i have to scale my items Upwards, because mine are too tiny if i leave them original sized. The axis sistem is also distorted from time to time. usually, multiple imports with small axis modifications/rotations/scalling fix the problem for me.
    I got a question tho.... how did you import the weights from max to dota. i recently started having problems with the bones on any of the models i`m working on. i mimmiced valve`s original but items still seem to ignore the bones i`m attaching them too. any ideeas? and sry for diverging.
  • THE 5
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    THE 5 polycounter lvl 14
    I use the skin modifier, paint the weights and then select the mesh and ALL the bones I put into the skin modifier and export selected to FBX.
    Mabe you din't select the bones when exportig?

    Strangely I tried rotating the head, and resetting X-Form afterwards but it still remains rotated to the right shoulder.
    Since the head only got one solid weighting to the head bone I also tried just rigging it anew (rotated and not), with no avail either.
    Im quite lost here atm.

    Tried to import the template files again, added my lowpoly head to the scene, rigged it, exportet.
    It's still scaled up and rotated towards the right shoulder.
    No idea whats going on there :/

    I imported the original helmet, merged my lowpoly helmet with the original mesh and deleted the original helmets polys.
    This gives me my lowpoly with the original helmets pivots.
    Then I did reset X-Form on that one and the rotation is now right.
    It still seems scaled up tho.

    I just used the default helmet, removed everything but the pointy ends of the horns and re-exported them to see if the scale is still off.
    And, yes it is.

    Just found this:
    I'll try to decompile the original files, hope the skinweights will still be usable.
    Does anyone have the decompiled sven files?

    I guess I re-open this thread in the Dota subforum, as the original rigging related problem seems fixed.
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