I'm new to Polycount so I was kind of already halfway through this model when I joined. Just looking for some feedback and tips so I can apply those ideas to my next weapon. All done in 3Ds Max and rendered in scanline.
I would move that magezine or angle it differently as it blends into the gun and looks awkward. There also a few dozen edge looos you could remove as they dont serve a purpose. How many poly is it?
Thanks, Alex. Which edge loops look unnecessary to you? I received that criticism before, so I removed any loops that didn't serve a purpose. If I removed any more I'd end up with N-gons or triangles or deform the mesh. It's roughly 5000 quads, no triangles.
Modeling and proportions look solid but you definitely need to make a lot softer edges next time, way too sharp, totally destroying your bake. Some more polys would also be appreciated a lot at some places, you really have the budget, use it
What really needs work is your texturing, look up some tutorials and check out edge definition - and then fiddle with the right values, but you can use all those PBR info to aid there, thats the simplest part.
Also waaaaaaay too strong AO : P Its so dark at places, satan would be afraid
Thanks, Shrike! I was worried my edges were too sharp. Nice to know. Also, what is PBR info?
I don't think I'm going to be sprucing up this weapon, I don't think it is creative enough to spend more time on. The next project I do I want to be more unique, but this was one of my first weapons so I wanted to go a little generic.
Sorry I didnt get back to you, more in terms of terminating your edges loops into tri in some spots (I see so far everything is quad, ill have to get a better look at the model/topology but you could add some tri to remove some edges. Then use it to better define other spots that need it, but since it a folio piece it not that important)
There a few edge loop rings that I see around the stock, and couple other spots that server a purpose if it been sub-d but not on a low poly. Will require a paintover or a side view to better highlight them out. If you want you could add me on Skype: alexrodriguez3d and I can further explain it
and bringing that model into a gameengine or maybe marmorset, if its designed as an game-prop.
l already like it a lot. allthoug the specular qualitiy isnt perfect yet. lot of parts look like polished plastic still.
keep going !
and about the loops. having tris in some places should be that bad I guess.
What really needs work is your texturing, look up some tutorials and check out edge definition - and then fiddle with the right values, but you can use all those PBR info to aid there, thats the simplest part.
Also waaaaaaay too strong AO : P Its so dark at places, satan would be afraid
I don't think I'm going to be sprucing up this weapon, I don't think it is creative enough to spend more time on. The next project I do I want to be more unique, but this was one of my first weapons so I wanted to go a little generic.
There a few edge loop rings that I see around the stock, and couple other spots that server a purpose if it been sub-d but not on a low poly. Will require a paintover or a side view to better highlight them out. If you want you could add me on Skype: alexrodriguez3d and I can further explain it