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Little Finger (Lord Baelish GOT)

polycounter lvl 5
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jimmyjaba polycounter lvl 5
Hey guys. Im currently wanting to boost my portfolio, and learn some new stuff on the way. First I'd really like to start nailing likenesses, and second get my head round PBR textures properly, especially cloth and leather materials. So because of that I decided to try my hand at Little Finger from Game Of Thrones. This is my progress so far. Right now iv blocked out most of his clothing subtools, and working on nailing his face. I could really really do with some help nailing this dude. This is my progress so far after about a day and a half in ZB. Please crit away, the harsher the better! Thanks for looking.



  • Noren
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    Noren polycounter lvl 20
    It's not a bad looking model, but you really shouldn't add small details like the wrinkles until you got the proportions right. The head is way to elongated now, the cheeks too sunken in, the nose too prominent, the chin too big, the lower lips to broad, the eyebrows/expression modeled into the skull.
    Also looking at the nose and other features it seems like you are struggling with anatomy as well, and modeling purely on sight, so you're giving yourself an extra hard time if you try to tackle this at the same time as learning to do likenesses. My advice for learning to do portraits would be to do as many sketches or 3d sketches as possible instead of spending a lot of time with one character.
  • artstream
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    artstream polycounter lvl 11
    Yea, you should look up the actor, Aidan Gillen, to get a lot more reference than just the single shot from Game of Thrones. It will help a lot. At this phase, I'd start over on the head and post progress as you get his proportions right.
  • jimmyjaba
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    jimmyjaba polycounter lvl 5
    Hey guys, really sorry for the very late reply. Lifes taken over and unfortunately I haven't had any time to rework him. Thanks for the crits. I've taken them on board and will start over. Will post updates when I can. Thanks again.
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