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SOLVED: Can not enter keys. Suite keeps crashing.

Hello, I posted in a thread that was labled solved so I think I should start a new thread here.

I was able to use Quixel Suite during beta, and when it was time to enter keys to register my account, Quixel Suite would freeze, and then crash. And then now when i try to click on any of the icons, i get a crash and the report that i attached to this thread.

So far I have tried reinstalling the software. Uninstalling and deleting the software and re downloading, and installing, and nothing. Anyone know whats up? Thanks in advance!

EDIT i am currently using PS CS5
Maybe this information will help too. i recently did a factory restore on my laptop. i installed photoshop and updated it to the current update, and then downloaded quixel suite and tried runing it, but it keeps crashing. i really dont know what else to do =/


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