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Current WiP- The Last of Us inspired female

polycounter lvl 7
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moonlazer polycounter lvl 7
Hey all more or less a first pass at this model. Just fleshing out subtools, defining forms.



CC welcome. Thanks all!


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    How the heck did you nail the Asian look with such huge eyes?

    Seriously, this is impressive to me.
  • Stirls
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    Stirls polycounter lvl 8
    I'm really loving this. I'm not sure if the hair matches the setting, though. It looks cool, but appears to be more sci-fi than post-apocalyptic.
  • moonlazer
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    moonlazer polycounter lvl 7
    Hey thanks all. Had some time recently to chip away at the subtools. Lots of subtools still very rough. Gas mask is just a block out for retypo.



    CC welcome. Thanks all!
  • Kaine123
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    Kaine123 polycounter lvl 10
    Idk about the hair, it seems like that sort of hairstyle would be really easy for a zombie to grab hold of.
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    loving this so much.
    I agree with the hair maybe making a little less sens (like it could be easily grabbed like Kaine said) but on the other hand... I love the way it looks a lot and it's totally badass haha!
    The cloth sculpting is kick ass
    can't wait to see more
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 14
    This is looking great. I'd agree that she's a little too stylish for an apocalypse though haha
  • moonlazer
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    moonlazer polycounter lvl 7
    Yeah I can see everyone's view on that. My thought process was based on characters within that setting. So every women in the game, including Ellie has hair down to their shoulder. Although everyone but Tess and Tommy's wife have it in a pony tail. With that in mind I planned to make it look less maintained with the hair cards. Like hairs grown on the bald side, less volume, not so much curling or wispy and add splitting ends. Probably make it a bit shorter.

    So in general, I'll have to comb over everything to weather and add ware and tear. She'll look less trendy and cool looking like a dirt bag haha

    Thanks all.
  • Mark Dygert
    This looks amazing, I love it!

    About the hair...
    This is one instance where animator and tech artists generally look at a concept and freak out like the world is burning down. Typically hair gets restrained so it's not such a nightmare/technical hog to rig up and animate. When it touches the shoulders it has to interact with the body when the head moves.

    This causes our heads to explode and or triggers a steal cage knife fight out in the parking lot. "You can have your long hair but it might cost you... you a finger...". I'm mostly kidding (mostly). But seriously, heads aren't always controlled by the animator so this interaction is difficult to make look natural. Some kind of simulation is probably best, but it is unpredictable, it's at the end of a long chain of bones and is subject to the whip crack effect.


    It can also be tech expensive which means something else needs to be sacrificed (besides your fingers) to make it work. That can be a bit of a hard sell to the higher ups. Generally those issues overshadow design and it's a battle that most character artists just accept it as a limitation before start blocking out a concept.

    Anywho... awesome model, as a sculpt I love it! As a real time game model I would start sharpening my knife, heh.
  • j.pears
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    j.pears polycounter lvl 4
    looking really nice so far man, loving the material in the jacket. i agree with everyone's points about the hair. but the main thing that keep grabbing my attention is the bag. reason being a bag of that sorts, especially assuming shes got loads of its of survival gear in it, it'd have more weight to it. by that i mean it should sag down more and pull down on the shoulders as at the moment it looks like a new bag been stuffed it paper like in the shops.

    but great work so far, looking forward to seeing where this goes.
  • moonlazer
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    moonlazer polycounter lvl 7
    First off, thanks everyone for stopping by and dishing out some helpful CC.

    Sloooooowly chipping away still, but I think I have most of the major subtools fleshed out.

    Made some very rough looking mockup hair to better fit the world of The Last of Us.

    Thanks Mark and everyone for the feedback on the hair. Super basic right now but just something to get a feel for it.

    My next passes will clean up everything as well as create ware and tear to clothes.


  • moonlazer
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    moonlazer polycounter lvl 7
    Here's an update on her clothes and overall shape. This time around it was a bit of a global overhaul. I cleaned up/reshaped arms/jacket, made sneakers and tweaked pants. I made a mock up of a new backpack. It seems more practical and useful for survival. It's super rough at the moment so its just basic shapes versus sculpted weight and damage.

    Trying to figure out which backpack to use. What do you guys think?

    Next I visit this it'll be finishing a backpack and applying final tlc to everything before I retopo and start texturing. Excited :D

    As always CC welcomed and appreciated!

    Thank you all!


  • moonlazer
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    moonlazer polycounter lvl 7
    Haven't posted here in a bit. For that, I suck. But here's how it's come along. Honestly chipping little by little on this thing but it's nearly done. This model a lot of first time stabs at different disciplines.

    First time making hair, using substance painter and PBR workflow. A lot of different hurdles along the way as well. Needs a little TLC before I put it to bed but it's 95% done.

    Sloppy skin/rigg to get a basic pose going and out of the T pose.

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